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The Epsilon Rho Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma

Our Chapter Brothers


Truth, Dee-Dee, & Aletta

Presenting a much needed addition to the Cafeteria

The Crest Shines Brightly

Mr. & Ms. Tau Beta Sigma - Jerrod Spencer & Sonya D. Lee

Mr. & Ms. KKY -Radshawd Simmons & Denetrice Evans



Mr. & Ms. Trojan Explosion

Terrence Sykes & Tracee Robinson

Dee- Dee, Sonya, Tracee, Aletta

ERho & ZPsi Steppin' Out

Northeast District Convention Banquet

ERho & Kyle

Tau Beta Sigma • Epsilon Rho Chapter • Campus Box 9007 • Virginia State University • Petersburg, VA 23806
Contact Epsilon Rho!