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Before building this page, I took the time to chat with the boys from Knuckle Puck and find out some cool stuff about them.

Interview with Tyler
Amy (1:24:55 AM): when did you start?
Tyler (1:25:11 AM): last year
Tyler (1:25:16 AM): around January
Amy (1:25:23 AM): who is the oldest of the band?
Tyler (1:25:32 AM): Brian
Amy (1:26:04 AM): and the youngest?
Tyler (1:26:09 AM): Justin
Amy (1:26:19 AM): who is your biggest influence musically?
Tyler (1:26:36 AM): Blink
Tyler (1:26:42 AM): always has been
Amy (1:28:10 AM): what made you want to start a band?
Tyler (1:28:34 AM): I love playing
Amy (1:28:49 AM): awesome
Amy (1:28:52 AM): whos idea was it?
Tyler (1:29:40 AM): mine
Amy (1:30:04 AM): yeah
Tyler (1:30:20 AM): but Justin found me and I said lets do this
Tyler (1:30:23 AM): Brian came later
Amy (1:31:17 AM): awesome
Amy (1:31:22 AM): howd you meet justin?
Tyler (1:31:39 AM): He just called me one day and that day he came over to jam
Amy (1:32:07 AM): howd you meet Brian
Tyler (1:32:41 AM): school
Amy (1:33:00 AM): awesome
Amy (1:33:09 AM): who would you say is the funnest out of all of you guys
Tyler (1:33:40 AM): are all the same.....we whare the same humor
Amy (1:33:46 AM): cool
Amy (1:33:53 AM): what is the funnest part about being in a band
Tyler (1:34:38 AM): Playing together........just playing songs
Tyler (1:35:06 AM): and hanging out and laughing
Amy (1:35:09 AM): is it easy for all of you to get along, or do you guys fight and stuff?
Tyler (1:35:20 AM): no we dont really fight
Tyler (1:35:31 AM): Brian gets easily offended though
Tyler (1:35:40 AM): and thinks he's right a lot
Tyler (1:35:46 AM): but we never really fight
Amy (1:35:50 AM): cool
Amy (1:35:54 AM): who is your best friend of the band
Amy (1:36:01 AM): or are they both the same?
Tyler (1:36:57 AM): about the same......I can talk to justin about more i'm closer to Justin
Amy (1:37:54 AM): what was the best show you think you've ever played
Amy (1:37:55 AM): and why
Tyler (1:38:28 AM): Shoiwcase Theatre
Tyler (1:38:31 AM): showcase*
Tyler (1:38:53 AM): We just rocked that place......thats all I can say
Amy (1:39:22 AM): what was the most embarassing concert moment
Tyler (1:39:59 AM): When Justin dropped his drumstick at the show...........twice!
Amy (1:40:20 AM): alright
Amy (1:41:04 AM): now to let all the ladies know, are you single or in a wonderful relationship?
Tyler (1:41:26 AM): I'm single
Amy (1:41:31 AM): okie
Amy (1:41:35 AM): would you ever date a fan
Amy (1:41:43 AM): if you were famous
Amy (1:41:44 AM): i mean
Tyler (1:42:03 AM): no
Tyler (1:43:41 AM): unless they met me a different way and didnt know I was in the band
Amy (1:44:30 AM): if a fan came up to you and asked you for your autograph and you were really tired and wanted to go to bed, what would you do?
Amy (1:44:38 AM): I know that is a dumb ass question but who cares
Tyler (1:45:07 AM): give an autograph
Amy (1:45:14 AM): awesome
Tyler (1:45:20 AM): the fans are the next best thing about a band
Tyler (1:45:29 AM): We dcant do it with out them
Tyler (1:45:32 AM): cant*
Amy (1:45:40 AM): where do you think your band will be in 5 years
Tyler (1:45:51 AM): hopefully on tour
Tyler (1:46:03 AM): and signed to a label

Interview with Brian
Amy(1:52:44 AM): who is your biggest influence?
Brian(1:52:55 AM): musically??
Amy(1:52:57 AM): musically
Amy(1:53:00 AM): exactly
Brian(1:53:07 AM): mark hoppus and mike hererra
Amy(1:53:25 AM): what made you want to start/join the band?
Brian(1:53:26 AM): both bass players, both singers, both kick ass bands
Brian(1:53:48 AM): well i didnt really get into music until like 8th grade or freshman year
Brian(1:54:01 AM): i started singing along with songs and i thought it was really cool
Brian(1:54:12 AM): i wasnt good at singing of course but it was cool
Brian(1:54:27 AM): and i saw how like blink was so famous everywhere they went
Brian(1:54:38 AM): and how hard they worked to get there and everything
Amy(1:54:50 AM): yeah?
Brian(1:54:57 AM): and i started to air guitar on my baseball bat and tried to learn about music
Brian(1:54:58 AM): yaa
Amy(1:55:13 AM): in your opinion, who is the most outgoing of the band?
Brian(1:55:14 AM): and i finally got my parents to buy my a bass for christmas of freshman year
Brian(1:55:20 AM): of whos band??
Amy(1:55:24 AM): your band
Brian(1:55:28 AM): hmmm
Amy(1:55:28 AM): of the 3 of you
Brian(1:55:35 AM): its a mix between me and tyler
Amy(1:55:44 AM): alright
Brian(1:55:44 AM): i'm actually more carefree with wat i say on stage
Brian(1:55:56 AM): but when hanging out, hes pretty crazy too
Amy(1:55:57 AM): in your opinion, what is the funnest part about being in a band?
Brian(1:56:04 AM): umm
Brian(1:56:23 AM): just knowing that yur actually making yur own music and the best part is that its with yur best friends
Amy(1:57:03 AM): awesome
Amy(1:57:16 AM): in the band who is your best friend? or do you consider them the same
Brian(1:59:34 AM): hmm
Brian(1:59:40 AM): theyre both the same acutally
Amy(1:59:45 AM): awesome
Amy(2:00:01 AM): in your opinion once more what was the best show you think you've ever played
Brian(2:00:04 AM): ya
Brian(2:00:11 AM): hmmm
Brian(2:00:19 AM): probably showcase theater
Amy(2:00:38 AM): Why
Brian(2:00:51 AM): we sounded the best and looked the best
Brian(2:00:58 AM): than any other show
Amy(2:00:59 AM): awesome
Amy(2:01:00 AM): what was the most embarassing concert moment (I know it says it on your website but i wanna see if it changed)
Brian(2:01:55 AM): probably skateland cuz me and tyler werent in tune
Amy(2:02:11 AM): For the ladies, are you single or in a wonderful relationship?
Brian(2:03:00 AM): haha
Brian(2:03:09 AM): i'm in a wonderful relationship right now
Amy(2:03:45 AM): awesome
Amy(2:04:20 AM): if you were super famous
Amy(2:04:26 AM): would you date a fan if not take?
Brian(2:04:48 AM): ya
Amy(2:04:54 AM): cool cool
Brian(2:04:54 AM): but shed be like my age
Brian(2:04:57 AM): or so
Amy(2:05:02 AM): if a fan came up to you and asked you for your autograph and you were really tired and wanted to go to bed, what would you do?
Brian(2:05:26 AM): give her one
Amy(2:05:31 AM): her?
Amy(2:05:33 AM): i never said her
Amy(2:05:46 AM): where do you think your band will be in 5 years
Brian(2:06:57 AM): ohh well him/her
Brian(2:06:59 AM): ummmm
Amy(2:07:05 AM): lol
Brian(2:07:07 AM): if thing do work out for us...
Brian(2:07:17 AM): on a small indie label
Amy(2:08:24 AM): what is your favorite song?
Amy(2:08:29 AM): ever
Brian(2:08:49 AM): hmmmm
Brian(2:08:53 AM): thats kind of tough
Brian(2:08:56 AM): theres alot
Brian(2:09:13 AM): i cant answer that question
Amy(2:09:16 AM): damn
Amy(2:09:17 AM): you suck
Amy(2:09:18 AM): jk
Brian(2:09:24 AM): wait
Brian(2:09:25 AM): i know
Brian(2:09:31 AM): the star bangled banner

Interview with Justin
Amy (11:27:01 PM): who is your biggest influence?
Amy (11:27:19 PM): musically
Justin(11:27:35 PM): Longineu parsons from Yellowcard
Amy (11:27:41 PM): i love them
Amy (11:27:43 PM): they are awesome
Amy (11:27:47 PM): their instruments
Justin(11:27:47 PM): Me TOOO!!!
Amy (11:27:50 PM): the dudes voice
Amy (11:27:51 PM): the songs
Amy (11:27:54 PM): OMG!! i love it
Amy (11:27:55 PM): hehe
Amy (11:28:01 PM): next question
Amy (11:28:02 PM): what made you want to start/join the band?
Justin(11:28:50 PM): Because I wanted to play pop punk more emotional music because i was in a band that played really hard fast punk music.
Amy (11:29:07 PM): thats awesome
Justin(11:29:11 PM): yeah
Amy (11:29:13 PM): so you are more into the slower stuff
Amy (11:29:19 PM): kinda like yellowcard is
Justin(11:29:24 PM): Yea!!
Amy (11:29:30 PM): emotionall connected through their music pretty much
Amy (11:29:33 PM): i understand
Justin(11:29:36 PM): the drummer is soo awsome
Amy (11:29:51 PM): in your opinion, who is the most outgoing of the band?
Justin(11:30:04 PM): Tyler
Amy (11:30:26 PM): any reason why
Amy (11:30:29 PM): ??
Justin(11:31:25 PM): Because hes just willing to do more stuff then me and Brian because I'm more of a cuddly boy
Amy (11:31:35 PM): niice
Amy (11:31:36 PM): in your opinion, what is the funniest part about being in a band?
Justin(11:32:14 PM): The funniest part is that we say stuff to each other out of the blue that doesn't make any since
Amy (11:33:02 PM): lol
Amy (11:33:06 PM): yeah i know how that is
Justin(11:33:11 PM): yea
Amy (11:33:18 PM): in the band who is your best friend? or do you consider them the same
Justin(11:33:36 PM): I consider them just about the same
Amy (11:33:45 PM): thats awesome
Amy (11:33:47 PM): in your opinion once more what was the best show you think you've ever played
Justin(11:34:06 PM): At the Showcase theatre
Amy (11:34:25 PM): haha
Amy (11:34:30 PM): that is why Brian and Tyler said
Amy (11:34:33 PM): any reason why
Justin(11:35:36 PM): Because it was basically our first pretty big show where all of my drumset was mic'd up
Amy (11:36:17 PM): awesome
Amy (11:36:18 PM): what was the most embarassing concert moment (I know it says it on your website but i wanna see if it changed)
Justin(11:36:52 PM): When Tyler and Brian where out of tune at Skateland
Amy (11:37:31 PM): wow that must have sucked
Justin(11:37:53 PM): yeppers
Amy (11:38:02 PM): For the ladies, are you single or in a wonderful relationship?
Justin(11:38:12 PM): Single
Amy (11:38:23 PM): if you were super famous would you date a fan if not taken?
Justin(11:39:37 PM): um....If she was super duper cool and she didn't like me because i was in a band then of course
Amy (11:39:53 PM): neato cheato homie
Amy (11:39:55 PM): if a fan came up to you and asked you for your autograph and you were really tired and wanted to go to bed, what would you do?
Justin(11:40:48 PM): Sign the autograph in paragraph form with their name and everything
Amy (11:40:58 PM): awesome
Amy (11:41:06 PM): now that shows true sincerieisadjsalkdja
Amy (11:41:07 PM): lol
Amy (11:41:13 PM): you know what that means
Justin(11:41:17 PM): yea
Amy (11:41:32 PM): where do you think your band will be in 5 years
Justin(11:41:50 PM): Famous on tour of course
Amy (11:42:53 PM): what is your favorite song?
Justin(11:43:41 PM): Underdog
Amy (11:43:46 PM): woo hoo!!
Amy (11:43:49 PM): i like rocket
Amy (11:43:52 PM): and cigarette
Amy (11:43:55 PM): and october nights
Amy (11:43:57 PM): mmm hmm
Amy (11:44:01 PM): alright i am done
Amy (11:44:10 PM): thank you for answering my cool questions

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