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.:::. KNUCKLE PUCK (HoME) .:::.



Band Bio

Member Bio

Interview With The Band



Concert Reviews



I would like to thank you for checking out my Knucle Puck fan page. This site is pretty much about a local band from California. This page will have things like Band Bio, Pictures, Concert Dates and Locations, Pictures, Member Bio, an interview between the boys and me, Their Links and Mine, and a way to contact the band and me. If you have any questions or comments, that would be the page to check out. Please feel free to give me your ideas on how to make this page better. Please browse anywhere you feel. And don't forget to sign the guest book.

News And Updates

  • June 26, 2003
    This page is brand new so forgive me if the news isn't updated often. KP has a new show coming up. You can go to the shows section and find out more information. The boys are still recording and should be done anytime. Give it sometime, you can count on them to get it done. Well that is pretty much all the info I can give you on that.
  • July 24, 2003
    I got new pix of the boys up on the check that out. They finally played Chain Reaction, so look out for some reviews on that. And they have another show coming up so check the Show page. And last but not least, KP is almost done with their Demo, so keep a look out on that :-)
    I'll try and keep you updated as they will keep me updated.

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