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*Excape To Now Where*

Skem9 LayoutsLayout made by littleoutcastedangel

Hello Everyone welcome Seirs hope like it Vera-Anne

Writen By Vera-Anne

Writen Co Laura V.C

Sean "found picture Didn't know Was his mother daughter said her daughter sean Give up Her Father Didn't like Her Sean Finding Sister Find. Excape To No Where Aboit five friend who end Somewhere that feem inescapted.

Sean "Something about mother saome about her Out Seam Mother is bad doesn't even know yet

Eps 1-Life Chanes

Eps 2 Day In With New Area

Eps 3.Where Is Place

Eps 4.New Evil, There

Eps 5.Meeting New Friends

Excape No Where Cast

updatedEpisode one: Life Changing part 1

I'm work chapter 2 coming soon thanks hope like store..

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