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Yay! I got it! It Works! My site finally looks at least somewhat like how I want it to!

Our ode to the great Half-Life mod that sucked up years of our lives... sad we know.

Flashlight Song
Cameron wanted a flashlight, I started playing this song, and we went with it. Quirkiness.

G In Da Funk
One of the first things recorded, done by Cameron and Josh years back. Sort of a grungy hip hop maybe?

Hip Hop Happy Birthday
Josh's grandma requested we record a song for his grandpa's birthday, and we ended up doing a hip hop rendition. He thought it was great, we all had laughs.

Also known as the Lost Jam, it's a snippet of a jam we were doing amazing stuff in, but then we lost the recording of it. This is all the remains. Mostly rythmic stuff, but really fun.

Last Donut
Why did you eat our last donut? Why? What'd we ever do to you? Sob sob.

Mocking Death
Josh parodying those cliche' cookie monster growling death metal bands.

Special Bus
Jason and Josh both recorded one synth track and one drum track each before they knew much about music... it's deffinitely special.