








Forming in the summer of 2002, out of Corona, California, The 11th Hour is ready to emerge.  With influences that range from A.F.I. to Thrice, and Green Day to Thursday, The 11th Hour hopes to put a twist in the ever changing punk scene.

Using an eclectic style of music, taking songs with a pop-punk feel, to hardcore, to rock, The 11th Hour is trying to incorporate all styles of punk in their music.

"We grew up listening to pop-punk, but now bands like A.F.I., Thrice, Thursday, and Finch are blending genres a little, and we like the way that sounds." 

"I always like songs that have the deep serious lyrics, it always makes the music behind it seem that much better.  That's why I always write songs that are serious.  I hate the songs that stretch for rhymes.  I don't think any of our songs even rhyme." says Steve.

"We write about what we know, which is the same things that every twenty year old thinks about.  We just put it into language that doesn't force itself.  We write about what everybody goes through, but we want you to hear it from a metaphoric point of view.  We don't want you to know how we felt when we wrote it, but to figure out what it means to you.  We all grew up in suburbia, we didn't have abusive parents or anything, we just might sound like it.  

"We're just sick of people who are punk music fans loving one band, but hating another.  People like Pennywise, but hate Blink 182.  It's all the same music, it's just one isn't as angry.  Not all bands are that pissed off."

With all of this in place, The 11th Hour hopes to bridge the gap between punk fans who segregate themselves by not listening to bands that aren't pissed off at everything.