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Band Photos

Langeloth Halloween Jam/Costume Party, October 25th, 2003

Photo credit: Rachel Jordan

(Photos main page)

(Click here for Photo page 12, Zuke's Langeloth Jam November 2003 pics)

(Click picture for a larger version.)

Zuke 2K at the halloween jam
Brennan Couch
Geno Zuccaro on bass
More of Geno
Geno and Brennan
Geno, Elwyn Stock, and C.C. Deville...oops, I mean TC
Jared poses for a pic
Slash from Guns 'N Roses. Okay, it's actually Jared.
More of Jared
Rocco Zuccaro
Rocco. A scary man indeed.
Rocco. A rockin' man.
Roc on the mic
Jared and Rocco
TC behind the drums