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If you want to participate in the Top 50 BSB Sites, here's what you gotta do:

1. You must have a site pertaining to the Backstreet Boys. No Aaron Carter sites allowed. If your site is both Aaron Carter and Backstreet Boys, it will be excepted.
2. You have to tell at least one of your friends about this site.
3. You have to have fun and love the Backstreet Boys!

If you want to vote in the Top 50 BSB Sites, here's what you gotta do:

1. You can only vote once per day per person. All extra votes will be discarded.
2. If you get an email telling you to vote, do not vote for the site. Emailing people asking them to vote is "illegal" and will not be tolerated. The Top 50 BSB Sites is a fair site. No cheating will be tolerated.
3. Make sure you include all needed information about the site.

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