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Miss Canada Int'l and Miss Teen Canada Int'l 2000 Pageant Miss Canada International
Miss Teen Canada Int'l

Copyright Isabelle Fry Modelling Agency

The pageant began with a town crier opening the ceremonies. The the music started: "give it to me baby, un huh, un huh, give it to me baby, un huh, un huh, and all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a while guy!" As you can tell the music for the opening was Pretty Fly For A White Guy. It was great! The contestants came out in aerobic wear and did an awesome dance with this man who dressed like a geek. The music worked really well too because it worked well for the MCI and MTCI divisions of the pageant and was really lively. Although it wasn't traditional, and it was the first time I ever heard the word "ass" used in a pageant, but hey, there's a first time for everything and I'm sure everyone young and old enjoyed it.

Copyright MCI

Here is a picture of all the delegates in the Miss and Miss Teen Canada International 2000 pageant.

This years stage was GREAT! It was rounded and there were columns with stairs leading up to them. It looked so professional and was really beautiful. It worked well also and is the best stage I have seen used in a pageant in Canada to this point.

Before I continue, I can't ignore the fact that this year's MCI and MTCI pageants were surrounded with a level of conterversy. There were several articles prior to the pageant finale. I think most people out there have read them, but if you still want to visit the MCI Survivors Website or the Planet Sun website. There are of course two sides to this story and to hear Mireille's thoughts visit the MCI site. There has been a lot of talk against and for MCI lately and it will be interesting to see what happens, but I am only looking at the show , which I though was very good.

After the opening number, Mr Canada 2000, Jean Francois Carrier introduced this years hosts Brooke Ross and Gary Pletch. They were both quite good. I don't think they were quite as experienced as some pageants hosts are but they both did quite a good job and I am interested in what the hosts will be like next yeat.

After they talked for a bit the judges were introduced one by one and they said quite a bit about each one. It was nice, a little long but it was nice to learn about the judges.

Teen Intro

At this point, with some nice swing music in the backround, the MTCI delegates introduced themselves. They all wore identical black cocktail dresses by Algo. They came up to the microphone, introduced them selves, sometimes in both French and English, they thanked their sponcers and many of them thanked their parents.

There were 12 delegates for the Miss Teen contest. For pictures Click Here!

Here were my first impressions of all the girls:

-Miss Teen St. Croix, NB was very pretty and seemed nice.

-Miss Teen Teen Miramichi, NB had great hair and came off as very nice as well.

-Miss Teen Quebec was so sweet onstage and really pretty.

-Miss Teen Cape Breton, NS was very confindent.

-Miss Teen Calgary, AB had a lot of energy!

-Miss Teen Manitoba was very tall and spoke both English and French for her introduction.

-Miss Teen Newfoundland was so confindent. She was really good onstage and you couldn't tell that she was nervous.

-Miss Teen Winnipeg was very beautiful and seemed confident.

-Miss Teen Alberta spoke in her parents native language (possibly Polish?) and was very cute and confident.

-Miss Teen Saskatchewan was very confindent. If you look at the photos I have of the delegates you can see just how photogenic Melissa is.

-Miss Teen Ontario had great hair.

-Miss Teen New Brunswick was a great model (I think she must have been trained.)

-Miss Teen Bathurust, NB was very pretty and had nice hair.

They then gave out the Miss Teen Friendship and Photogenic awards:

Miss Teen Friendship:
Miss Teen Newfoundland and Labrador, Crystal Freake

The Photo she won with

Miss Teen Photogenic:
Miss Teen Quebec, Carine Auclair

Miss Intro

After the teen's came out the misses began introducing themselves. They all wore a blue cocktail dress from Algo.

Here were my favorites:

-Miss Burnaby, BC was so cute. I loved the way she spoke and she was also very pretty.

-Miss Ontario was very pretty and stood out because she was so tall.

-Miss Mt. Bydges introduced herself very well. She was my favorite before the pageant and she was great onstage. Allison is very pretty and was the second runner-up at CSMU this year.

-Miss Newfoundland and Labrador was very smart and beautiful.

-Miss Kitchener was so professional in the way she spoke and she looked great.

-Miss Leammington seemed like a very nice person. She had a lot of friends there that evening and got a lot of applause.

They then gave out the Miss Friendship and Miss Phototgenic awards.

Miss Friendship:
--Miss Leammington, Anita Wall

The Photo she won with

-Miss Photogenic:
Miss New Brunswick, Angelia Morrison

Special Guest

Leanne and V I P

The musical group V.I.P. was a special guest at the pageant. They worked very well and at this time they preformed the song "It must be my nature" which was great.

They then showed a video to thank their sponcers. It was very professional and Leanne Baird did several publicity shots. She looked so great this year. The video was very good and was actually (unlike most salutes to sponcers) fun to watch.

Teen Evening Gown

The teen evening gown competition was next. All the ladies wore a full front with spegetti straps, gown with a flowing skirt. The girls could wear either a blue, red or silver gown. The idea of all the delegates wearing the same gown originated at the former Miss Canada pageant. It is good and bad. It is cheaper for the contestants to all wear the same gown which is sponcered and it also creates equality between the delegates. The one gown policy however really can take some excitement out of the pageant and limits the individuality of the contestants. It is really personal opinion when dealing with the one gown policy because a lot of people love it and a lot of people don't.

The evening gown competition music was quite quiet. It was nice because you really consentrated on the delegates. The hosts also talked about the girls while they did their thing onstage. They talked about the girl and stated her parents' names. I found that unnecessary. It was distracting and took away from the mood of the evening gown competition.

The delegates would come out onstage, go to the front of the stage, do a circle, smile, go to the back of the stage to get a rose from a little girl handing them to the delegates, and line up at the back of the stage.

My favorites in the teen evening gown competition were:

-Miss Teen Quebec was so sweet. She was really pretty, stunning, and only 15! She stood out from the other delegates.

-Miss Teen Alberta looked cute, like she always does, and was a great model.

-Miss Teen Winnipeg was so pretty. She's Italian so she was very dark and beautiful.

-Miss Teen Bathurust was a good model, very pretty, and her hair was very nice.

Onstage Questions

After the evening gown competition the teen anwsered onstage questions. Before the pageant they decided what the questions were so many of the answers were quite rehearsed. This segment was good because you got to learn about the delegates.

-Miss Teen St. Croix was asked what she wants to do after high school. She said she wants to be a paramedic and would like to Work with World Vision sometime in her life. She was quite good, a little long but sincere.

-Miss Teen Quebec was asked what she liked the most about her pageant week. She said that she liked the people she met and that it was awesome. She is a quiet girl but so sweet. She had a bit of a hard time because she was French and there was no interpretor.

-Miss Teen Miramichi was asked to tell everyone something about the figure skating she does. She said that it gave her travel and that it teaches confindence. She was quite good with her answer.

-Miss Teen Calgary explained the story of her name Bebeci. She was quite long but cute and finished off her question quite well.

-Miss Teen Cape Breton was asked about the challanges of high school. She said that she has been elected student coucell president. She was sincere and spoke very well. -Miss Teen NFLD and Labrador talked about why she liked being Miss Teen NFLD and Labrador. She was SO great! Confindent, sweet, cute. She had been trained well and was just really good onstage. The best at the onstage question of all the delegates.

-Miss Teen Manitoba talked about how she is involved in her community. She seemed confindent.

-Miss Teen Alberta talked about where she would bring someone if they came to Edmonton. She said she would bring them to Heritage Days(which is a multi-cultural festival.) Her answer was short and sweet.

-Miss Teen Winnipeg talked about doing Itallian folk dancing. She was quite confident.

-Miss Teen Ontario talked about how she enjoyed what they did all week and how she loved meeting the other delegates.

-Miss Teen Saskatchewan talked about why she likes being Miss Teen Saskatchewan because she got prizes(joking) and that she enjoys the charity work.

-Miss Teen Bathurust talked about princess Diana who she thought was great. She had a hard time with her English but she was quite sweet.

-Miss Teen New Brunswick talked about her love of writing poetry and that she is inspired by the world. She was smart, to the point and didn't bable on. Very confident.

After the questions were over they handed out the talent award. The winner was:

Miss Teen Talent:
Miss Teen Newfoundland and Labrador, Crystal Freake

Miss Evening Gown

The delegates were escorted by the Ontario police with some very quiet but classy music in the backround. This year is the 90th year that the Ontario police have been around and the 25th year that women have joined the Ontario police. Like the teens they annonced info about the girls and told who their parents were. I found it distracting but it was nice to learn about them. All the ladies wore a white and silver gown by Algo with indivual hair and accesories.

The delegates all came out onstage and were taken by their escorts to the middle of the stage where he let go and she did circle in the front of the stage and when to the side of the stage to be escorted offstage by the escort.

The stand outs in the evening gown competition were:

-Miss Calgary had a very nice tan and great hair. She looked very fit and very beautiful.

-Miss Burnaby was very pretty. She didn't wear the gown as well as she might have in another gown (this happened to a lot of the contestants) but she just glowed onstage.

-Miss St. Andrews was very tall and very beautiful. She had a great body and stood out because of her height. Her hair didn't look like it had been done very well though which is unfortunate because she was so beautiful.

-Miss Ontario had nice hair and she was tall. Like other contestants she didn't wear this gown as well as if she had worn another one but she was really beautiful. -Miss Vancouver had a really nice smile onstage.

-Miss Mt. Brydges had nice hair and looked really fit. She was really beautiful.

-Miss Newfoundland and Labrador was very fit looking and had great stage presence.

-Miss New Brunswick was pretty and looked great in the necklace she wore. She wore the Algo dress quite well.

-Miss Quebec made the crowd laugh when her escort forgot to follow her to the side of the stage. She did this arm motion to get him to come over..

-Miss Kichener-Waterloo was very fit and pretty. She had a great smile, hair, necklace, everything. She was one of the best in this competition.

After all the girls were finished competing, they all came back onstage. At this time two more awards were given out.

Miss Fitness
-Miss Quebec, Laura Bagliaro

Miss Swimwear
-Miss Mt. Bydges, Ontario Allison Graham
-Miss St Andrew's, Manitoba, Rachel Bulman
-Miss Kitchener, Ontario, Sheryl Plouffe

They annonced the two runners-up and the winner for the Miss Swimsuit award. A video of the contestants in the swimsuit competition was shown like the sponcer video. MCI does not stage the swimsuit competition and it is not counted but is rather a special award and is optional. The runners-up and winner of this award were all beautiful and had great bodies.

Top Ten

Copyright Isabelle Fry Modelling Agency

The top then in MCI 2000 were:

-Miss Ontario, Mireille Eid
-Miss Quebec,Laura Bagliaro
-Miss Burnaby, BC, Neelham Brar
-Miss Vancouver, BC, Elisa Fabino
-Miss Ottawa, Ontario, Lauren Small
-Miss New Brunswick, Angelia Morrison
-Miss Mt. Bydges, Ontario, Alison Graham
-Miss Kitchener, Ontario, Sheryl Plouffe

-Miss St Andrew's, Manitoba, Rachel Bulman
-Miss Newfoundland and Labrador, Paula Kinden
The top ten were great and all deserved their spots. I was really surprised however that Miss Calgary didn't make it because she was really beautiful and Calgary usually does well in pageants. It was also a suprise that Miss British Columbia didn't make it because she seemed quite good. One thing that was unfortunate was that Miss Alberta, Kim Yee did not compete. Kim is very beautiful and does well at pageants and would have easily made the to ten.

To make this section load faster I have broken it into two sections. For the rest of the info visit:

Section 2