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Well... if you're here.. you just wanna know a lil bout me or somethin...

Ok.. I'm Janis... and my b-day being March 30, 1983 [calculate the age urself]. I was born in Vancouver, BC, Canada. But I'm also asian, so that makes me a CBC.. AND I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!! Well... now I'm living elsewhere [near Vancouver] and I go to a lousy school, and the school's name ain't important enough to mention...

I'm obbessed with music and [sweet] sweet revenge. 3 of my favourite groups are savagegarden, PROZZAK and the Smashing Pumpkins. I play[ed] the piano (at grade 9--OH YEA!!!!), the guitar, the flute and the sax. And i also like writing poetry...

Sports I'm into: basketball [Rodman kics ass], volleyball, snowboarding... and that's actually my faves.. Others are: football/rugby, soccer, badminton, tennis, and hockey.

Well.. that's all that I know of what to put up now.. AND I AM NOT gonna put up a pic, cuz I think that's lamelamelame.. so don't bother asking me to put it up.. thanku.

this is my chinese name!!! ¼B °û §g !!!


now, this is my ONE AND ONLY chance to "express" myself and list what i like, and dislike!!! yes!!!

::basic faves::

  • GOOD music
  • swords
  • the color blue
  • the word "guppy"
  • the way birds walk [especially chickens.. they know how to strut their stuff..]
  • WHITE snow, not YELLOW snow
  • ICQ-ing with some interesting people..
  • spikey hair
  • brown hair
  • spikey hair [hehe]
  • speed [not the movie, the 'verb']
  • watchin GOOD music videos
  • GOOD cds
  • having enough cash to buy these GOOD cds..
  • forgiveness... ; |
  • permission to do whatever i please
  • expressing myself [hehe]

::pet peeves::

  • bad music
  • shams/fakes/wannabes
  • silence when i know GOOD music is on
  • music at a VERY low volume..
  • preverts
  • spiders!!
  • small spaces [those 2 were my fears.. think about it..]
  • racism
  • the F-ing KKKs
  • this weird and FAKE accent that i'm somehow getting.. [too much savagegarden and PROZZAK, i guess...]
  • people buggin me non-stop when i wanna be alone.. [thankuverymuch]
  • being called 'Sally', or 'Posh Spice'.. [don't wanna explain now..]
  • the way parents just don't understand.. most of the time..
  • when people say something to me, then i ask them to repeat it cuz i couldn't hear it, then they say nevermind -- cuz i'm pretty sure u said somethin..
  • when people tell me that something i like is 'gay' [but i respect gay rights.. mmkay? ^^ ]
  • mean people..
  • bad singers/music
  • country music
  • whiners
  • when people say things but don't really mean it
  • getting stuck in something [such as traffic..ugh..]
  • long lines
  • stubble
  • people that can't seem to close their mouth when they eat, and don't excuse themselves when they burp or something like that..
  • sexism
  • when i can't seem to read chinese stuff [which is almost always..]
  • junk mail
  • how so many people think that females have to wear as little clothing possible [i don't like dressin as a slut..thanku]
  • when you're at the dentist and the person is breathing on u
  • failure
  • gettin my hands dirty
  • doing the dishes
  • when my cds melt or get scratched
  • lendin my savagegarden cds to people..[and this leads to..]
  • being a bitch
  • doing those stinking piano/theory exams [but guess what?? i'm through with those ^_^ ]
  • cowards
  • gettin insulted [it hurts.. : ( ] PEOPLE STEALING MY PICS AND IDEAS AND EVERYTHING ELSE...
  • gettin literature, so that's why i'm stopping here...
ok.. thanx for listening to me whine.. for the most of it..

[in case my other emails don't work.. which often happens..]

buy a cd and i'll get some $$$

or you could get a book...

and ICQ me!!! 35662058!!! and tell me that you got me from this site so I don't go confused, k??? thanx!! :)

and if you're a prevert, pleeze... DON'T TALK TO ME.. cuz I'm not a loner.... thanku.


[high on PROZZAK][POKEMON ZOO][mY PoetrY] [ChatChat]