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high on PROZZAK

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WELL>>>> this is my very own site... It's pretty small, but I'm trying my best to put out all the stuff I know bout this kic ass group that almost nobody knows about.. [pity]
This is a story of Simon and musical wizard Milo, as they travel the modern world in an endless search for true love. Only their friendship keeps Simon going from port to port, city to city, love to loss, with the hope that the right girl will capture his restless heart.

UPDATES July 9,99
  • NEW PROZZAK VIDEO IS OUT!!!!!!!! yay!! more cute pics!! [that pretty much sums it up :) ]
  • NEW PROZZAK DOWNLOAD!!!! a short flash called "Introduction to a Broken Heart" Click here to download
  • YAY AGAIN!!! my site [this site] is added to PROZZAK's offical page!!! [yes!]
  • PROZZAK will have a live chat on Tuesday July 27, @ 8pm eastern, giving Love Advice... cool

    June 5,99
  • next prozzak single WILL be Strange Disease
  • prozzak slips from no.1 on the Much countdown.. but that's ok [was no.1 for only a week]

  • next prozzak single will most likely be Shag Tag, Strange Disease or Europa... [a lot of choices]
  • for you people in the US, you can finally be able to get the cd. In August 17, 1999, Hot Show will be released
  • the Sucks to Be You video is finally No.1 on the MuchMusic countdown


    Prozzak is a musical group that consists of 2 guys, Simon and Milo. Simon is the lead singer, while Milo is the guitar god. Although they are (from what I hear) extremely popular in Europe in South America, they are from CANADA, Montreal, NOT LONDON, as they say. They don't like to/wanna show their real faces out to public, so they're really cartoon characters (just check out the pics below). Sure, they perform live in clubs in such, but I heard that they just appear on a screen. Their debt album in Canada, entitled "HOT SHOW", was released on October 13th, but in Europe, they have released more. I don't know the names, but I know one is called "We Like Fruit" [cute]. "HOT SHOW" is a what I call a real good CD, and everyone sez that you can't stop singing to it once you hear their catchy songs, and I agree...
    Their first single is called "Omobolasire", which is a girl's name, that happens to be in Nigaria check out the lyrix here.
    And oh yea.. their catchy music falls under the categories: pop, dance, disco, techno-punk and rock.

    Say what? still dunno who prozzak really are??? think bout this:: one of the members of The Philosopher Kings are in the Omobolasire video [staring down the camera behind a bunch of people], the songs are by Jason Levine and James McCollum... (it's written in the booklet) and they also happen to be from the Philosopher Kings.
    And doesn't James look like Milo??? got it figured? Cool. And Tamara, from Sucks To Be You, is really just Anna Goodman. And Minnie Mae's just Simon.. and so are the lushful background vocals..


    Simon's the lead singer of this group, the one that is supposingly going around the world looking for his love of his life.. though everyone sez he's SOOO cute, and it's agreed. And if you haven't noticed, he doesn't have a neck...


    Milo is the guitar guy and really likes to smile. In the 'Sucks to be You' video, he gets to pick a fight, and wins with his guitar.. cool... He gets to sing a song on the "HOT SHOW" cd, and it's not that bad I guess.. he's pretty fly.

    How They Claim/Say They Met...

    In a distant time and a distant place, there was a great war. Many countries of the world drafted large armies and sent them into fields to do battle with each other, in a fight for territory and power.

    In one of these countries and one of these armies was a man named Simon. One day, Simon was chosen to be part of a special sea mission, so he boarded one of the tall war ships and set across the channel as part of his country's grand invasion strategy. Simon's ship sailed for hours before, suddenly, the channel curved and hiding around the corner were dozens of waiting enemy ships.

    The battle that followed was fierce; soldiers fought hand to hand on the decks of the ships and in the surrounding waters.
    Simon found himself in a struggle with the tall, handsome Milo, a soldier from one of the enemy armies. They were well-matched opponents, and as they fought with all the strength and cunning they possessed, it appeared as though they were locked in a dead heat. Only one question remained: whose death would it be?

    All at once, there was a thunderous noise from the sky, and the sea and the battle ships were plunged into darkness. Out of this darkness, a huge vortex opened in the sky, and a brilliant light ripped apart the dark clouds.

    Simon and Milo," a great unseen voice announced from the sky, "you have been chosen. Chosen to live in a time that is not your own, sentenced to walk the earth in search of love. Only true love holds the key to your destiny." And all at once, Simon and Milo were transported from the blood, sweat and salt water of this faraway battle, into the present.

    Through their epic quest, these former enemies found friendship, and out of that friendship comes the musical journal entitled
    'Hot Show'. Using an abandoned castle on the Isle of Man as their personal studio/compound, the duo began to document their worldly travels in song. Out of this process, Prozzäk was born.

    wanna know more what PROZZAK has said??? click here

  • Tracks in their HOT SHOW cd...
    1. Intro
    2. Europa
    3. Strange Disease
    4. Omobolasire
    5. Shag Tag (You're It!)
    6. Hot Show
    7. Mediterranean Lady
    8. Wild Thing/Poor Boy (Medley)
    9. Sucks To Be You
    10. New York
    11. I Like To Watch (Milo's Night Out)
    12. Tsunami
    13. Sleep With Myself
    14. Anna-Lisa
    15. Simon's Final Thought
    Check on the names to hear a preview of the song in Real Audio!

    click here for the Omobolasire and Sucks to be You mp3's.

    Their CD cover

    The pic on their CD.. kinda
    and my ultimate fave pic.. not only cuz it's on the cd...

    click here for some more prozzak pics..

    vistors since jan 1 '99
    [and the dragon's high on prozzak...]

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