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Interview with Rob Lamothe

Who were/are your musical influences?
cat stevens, beatles, led zeppelin, ray charles, aretha franklin, my cousins Skip, Linda, Rob and Tom, my uncle Bob, Sister Maureen (she lead my third grade choir), The Archies, The Cowsills (especially Susan) the last few years...Raphael Keelan, Jamie Oakes, Colleen Power, Chris Whitley, Kelly-Joe Phelps, Canada, Holland, travelling, death, water, trains...

Tell us something about the gear you use (ie guitars etc) and why you chose the instruments that you play?
i play a gibson j-100 acoustic guitar...i've had it for 11 sounds earthy...during the earthquake in california in 1994, once i had my kids outside, i went back into the rumbling house for my gibson and a bottle of red wine...

How do you feel about your fans trading old shows (bootlegs) such as "Slims"?
i think it's awesome...

Tell us about what you have been doing since the band stopped playing (ie solo albums, session work, engineering etc)?
three solo albums...three kids...two wives...i've worn out lots of boots...drank a couple of beers...met incredible people all over the world...i've seen a million faces and i've rocked them all!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did the Riverdogs get dropped from their contract from EPIC when it is obvious that the debut album was a masterpiece? Sale's especially in Holland appeared to be good. Were you caught up in the rejection of the "hair bands" with the Nirvana boom?
because we were too damn ugly....okay seriously, first of all, i think that most things in life happen for a reason...major lables aren't in the business to create masterpieces or develop bands...the fact is all the guys from that band are alive, smiling and making great music today...that's for nirvana and pearl jam, and others, i think they came along and really gave the industry and the musicians a much needed swift kick in the arse...

Where do you live today? And why?
canada...that's a long story...

Where do you see the music industry going today and do you see a place for yourself as a solo act and the Riverdogs as a band?
i try not to see the music industry...but i do see a place for myself, writing songs, playing music, making records...if the opportunity comes along to make some riverdogs music, count me in...

What is the future of the Riverdogs with the new record coming out this summer? Will this be a one-time release or will we see more records and possibly a tour from the band in the future?
i can't really say...we all have careers, commitments, families...we all loved getting the original touring band back together in february 2000...a full on tour is probably just not going to happen...but hey, i sure wouldn't say no to playing a couple of live shows with any of the riverdogs...ronnie ciago, spencer sercombe, james michael, cary beare, vivian campbell, nick brophy, marc danzeisen...all amazing people...

What are your musical plans for the next year or so? Any interesting projects with musicians we might know?
i'm singing songs on craig erickson's next release...producing records...writing and recording and playing with brian "robbo" robertson...playing at festivals, outside, in the sun this summer...writing new songs, recording a new rob lamothe record...

Does it surprise you that the Riverdogs still have so many fans this many years after the band broke up?
it doesn't surprise me because we always tried to write and play real music...but it does surprise me that people still listen to the music and that they take the time to let me know what it has meant to's very cool...

What was your fondest Riverdogs memory?
this is a tough one...without incriminating anyone...and there are so many good memories...the show at the roxy, in los angeles, 1990...the european "bone" tour with ronnie ciago and spencer sercombe in 1994..."toy soldier" on the billboard charts...nick and i accepting the edison award, live on the radio, in holland in 1992...taking james michael on tour...dropping my pants at our biggest gig ever...spencer freaking out in wales...waiting for doris...viv asking to join the band...the night i turned green in kamp-lindtfort, germany...the privilege of playing with cary...the acoustic gig in palm springs (dancing girls in cages, a white limosine, and us judging the air guitar contest after our set) ...we later let the air out of the radio-promoter guy's tires...

What was the coolest part of being in the Riverdogs?
the guys in the band...

What was the best show the Riverdogs ever played and why?
that is just impossible to answer...

We are in the process of updating the Riverdogs site, is there anything you would like to see up there? (that ones more for us, but it would be nice to know!!)
more pictures...i actually have some that i'll send you...

Any chance of any of the Aircraft material being released?
ask marc and rene...seriously, i doubt it...i don't think anyone has any masters...just cassette tapes...

We know you've kept in contact with most of your old Riverdogs bandmates over the years, but can you describe what it was like to be in a room with Nick, Vivian, and Marc again creating new Riverdogs music?
it meant alot to all of us...and we sounded pretty bloody good...

We understand this new cd will be a mix of new songs, unreleased songs and studio versions of some of the "Absolutely Live" songs. Care to let us know which songs will be included, or is this going to be kept 'Top Secret' until the release?
i'm meeting with mtm records next week in sweden and we'll probably finalize the songs...once we do that i'll let you know...

We've heard of a Riverdogs song called "Show Me Instead" that made it into the background of a Melrose Place episode. Will this song be included on the cd?
how'd you guys know about that?...big fans of melrose are ya? but actually that wasn't a riverdogs song, it was james michael and i...and he sang it...

Although there is a common middle ground, your solo material in recent years is much differnt than the Riverdogs. Will the new material be a bit more mellow like your solo songs, or will it be heavier like old Riverdogs?
the new riverdogs stuff is more like old riverdogs stuff...

Will we see any kind of Riverdogs tour to support the cd, or any one time shows?
there's no plans to tour...but like i said, i don't think i'd turn down a chance to play with any of those guys...

We've also heard rumors (ahhh... the infamous rumor mill is starting already) that things went so well with the new songs, and that certain members were so excited, that there has already been talk of a full length cd of new material. Any truth to this?
hmmm...things did go well...and we did talk about making more music together...who knows?

Is there any official (or even tentative) release date for the cd yet? And will you seek any kind of U.S. release, or will this be strictly for MTM Music?
july, i think...i'll know more after my trip to sweden...

We know you're constantly writing new material. When can we expect a new Rob Lamothe solo release? Or is your solo career on the 'back burner' for now?
probably later this year...i've got a bunch of new songs...

I know for a few years, it was hard for us people in the States to find out what exactly happend to the Riverdogs and yourself. With the advancement of the internet, fan websites, and your new website, have you noticed your fan base growing since you've been online?
oh's been amazing...i get emails from people in brazil and israel and japan...australia...all over europe...the states...canada...just about everywhere...i had no idea that my music was travelling so, i met you guys online...

thanks...i'm going to bed now...

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