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You arrive at the monastery feeling tired and footsore. One of the brothers looks out of the gatehouse and comes to meet you, smiling pleasantly.

"Welcome pilgrim," he greets you, bowing slightly.

You bow back, and he shows you through the gates.

"The chapel is over there," he says, pointing, "if you want to go make supplication to the great Bjorn. The Abbot's quarters are in that building, and the Prior is just coming down the stairs of the chapel. You should go and talk to him if you want lodging."

You hasten over to see the Prior. He is a middle-aged man, going grey and rather red-faced. He nods and smiles at you as you approach.

"What can I do for you, my child?" he asks.

You find yourself crying, and spilling out the whole story of your master's sudden death, the funeral, and going home to find that the cottage the two of you shared had been ransacked. "It was just too much," you tell him. "I needed to get away, and find somewhere calming to stay. I decided to seek refuge here for a while, to sort things out."

The Prior smiles at you benevolently and nods his head. "You've done the right thing, child," he tells you, patting your shoulder bracingly. "The gods will smile upon you for this, and I'm sure that you will find your true direction and destiny in life here."

He calls one of the monks to show you to a small cell in the visitors' wing of the monastery. It is tiny, but clean and dry. A straw mattress, which is comfortable enough, takes up most of the space. A porcelain basin and pitcher full of water for washing sit on the floor as well.

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You decide to wash up, and then

You take a nap on the straw mat

You go to the chapel to spend some quiet time thinking about your past and future

You go to see if you can find the Prior again

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