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You are still missing your teacher dearly, and you decide to go to the chapel to light a candle and pray. You light a candle, and put a bit of your money in the poor box, and then go to kneel in one of the pews and pray. For some reason, however, you feel almost as though your dead teacher is guiding you to a very quiet corner, where a pillar completely obstructs you from view. You kneel down and begin to pray, but suddenly you are overcome with sleepiness, and, unable to resist any longer, you put down your head and slumber. You dream of your teacher, the good times you had together, the friendship and caring that always existed between you. You are just in the middle of a dream of a picnic you had together, when you dream that two people are talking, just behind a tree near your picnic spot.

"What do you mean, the apprentice is here?" asks an imperious voice.

"I'm quite serious," the Prior's voice answers. "They arrived about two hours ago, and told me the whole story. I couldn't believe my ears. Bjorn has ordained that you should have the map. When it wasn't found in the wizard's house, it has been brought to you by the very apprentice."

You jolt wide awake. A low chuckle comes from the other side of the pillar which hides you. "Well, well, then I guess the apprentice is eager to suffer the same fate as the master did. Make it quick, and make sure no suspicion can attach to me."

Shocked, you peer around the pillar. There, sure enough, is the Prior, almost close enough that you could kick him, and facing him is a tall, spare man in fine clothing. Bristling with anger, you try to decide what you should do.

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You decide to confront them immediately.

You decide to wait until you can gather some evidence that these people are responsible for the death of your teacher.