Now that you understand why the family is so desperate, you decide that you must do something or die trying.

Taking the sword you brought with you, you announce that you are going to try to stop the creatures.

"You can't throw away your life to save our cow," the gnome woman protests, but you can see the faint glimmer of hope in her eyes.

I am the apprentice of a very powerful mage," you assure her, sounding far more confident than you feel. "I am sure that I can do something about these werewolves."

The family creep downstairs after you.

You open the door cautiously and peer out. No one is in sight, but then, it is so dark here that you can't see anything. The sky is overcast and there is no moon or starlight.

Shivering, you slip outside and take a few cautious steps. Suddenly, you hear movement to your right. Hoping for the advantage of surprise, you plunge in that direction, brandishing your sword.

You manage to hit something with it, and it howls horribly, a very inhuman sound.

It is impossible to fight in this darkness, so you utter a spell you've known since childhood. It brightly illuminates the area.

There is a pack of a dozen werewolves surrounding you. As you watch, they throw up their arms and scream. The light is hurting them! Pressing your advantage, you begin to hack at the nearest one.

You hear a shout behind you, and the mother and oldest two children join the fight, brandishing axes. In spite of the fact that you are badly outnumbered, the wolves seem nearly helpless. Several of them try to flee, but you stop them with electrical charges, which you learned to cast from your teacher.

Both you and the oldest child are mildly injured, but you manage to kill all of the werewolves, and neither of you are seriously hurt. The mother fetches the local healer, who is delighted to come and see to the heroes who have ended the werewolf threat.

The family is overjoyed, as are the local farmers the next day. News travels fast, and you are a great hero in the region.

You stay on with the family for a week, receiving many gifts of food and much thanks. Then you decide it is time for you to head onward.

You leave for Gerriton among the hugs and cheers of the local population.