You manage to keep still while you wait to make sure that the two villains have left the chapel. Shaking with fury and fear, you creep out the side door, after looking around carefully to make sure there is no one to see you.

You take a walk around the grounds to clear your head. Should you approach the sheriff about this? How will you ever be able to find evidence to prove what you just overheard on your own? Then an idea occurs to you. If you could catch them in the act of trying to kill you, that would probably work. It would be dangerous, but it is the only plan you can think of, and your love for your master makes catching them seem like the most important thing in the world.

Of course, you will have to have witnesses. You must share your plan with someone you can trust.

You decide to tell the Abbot what you overheard

You decide that you can't trust a man of the cloth after what the prior has done, so you decide to tell one of the other visitors

You decide to tell the gatekeeper; he seemed like an okay sort