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You follow them back through the forest to a huge Beltane fire. The hillside near the fire is covered in rocks and blankets set out with food, and your dwarven friend tells you to help yourself with a wink. Knowing you may not be able to eat the next day, you stuff yourself with food and drink, then join those who are dancing around the fire. Some braver folk are even jumping through the fire. You eat and dance until you are completely exhausted, then fall to the ground in a deep sleep.

You wake the next morning back at the campfire. The dwarf is nowhere to be seen, although you still have the blanket. Set out on a rock near you is a fine new set of clothing to replace the ones the wild cat tore. Beside it is a pouch containing two honey cakes, an apple, and a bit of cheese, and a small scroll. You recognise it as another scroll of Avert Disaster (you may use this once, when you have made a poor choice, to go back and make a different choice.) You decide to save the food for a bit later.

You make good time, and at noon you stop by a pleasant stream to eat your lunch from the pouch, and finish your flask of wine and refill the flask with water. You pull out a honey cake and savour it; it is truly delicious. Birds sing in the trees and bushes around you, and the sound of the stream is soothing. When you open the pouch again to have some cheese, you see that there are still two honey cakes there. Perhaps you miscounted. You eat the cheese with a second honey cake, and decide the apple would make a perfect desert for your meal. Looking back in the pouch, there are still two cakes and a piece of cheese with the apple. The fairies have given you a magical pouch which regenerates the food you eat from it.

Pleasantly full, you take a short nap by the stream, then head on toward the monastery.

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