You really don't have anywhere to go besides wandering around where the map leads you, so you decide to stay and help this family out for a couple of days.

The mother is an excellent cook, and you enjoy your dinner with her and her three children. After dinner, the oldest one asks for stories, and the woman tells tales as you all sit around the fire.

"Once, there was a castle in the woods on the other side of Gerriton. Count von Secker lived there alone for many years, the last of his family. He was very rich and a good lord, generous and kind but rather sad. Then, suddenly, he threw a huge ball and invited hundreds of people. When he was announced and entered the ballroom, a beautiful woman was on his arm. Her loveliness, grace and charm captivated everyone. He announced at the dinner that they were engaged to be married, and soon thereafter they were. In a few years she gave birth to a daughter just as lovely as herself, whom they named Saskia. Rumours had begun by then though, that there was something strange about von Secker's bride. She would frequently travel to the Donn river and stand on the shore for hours, staring at the water. It wasn't very long before the old ladies of the town began to say that she was a nixie, and longed to go back to her life of playing in the river. One day, she disappeared altogether, and the women nodded their heads knowingly.

Von Secker was disconsolate, but he did his best to raise little Saskia. Then one night the castle was attacked, and von Secker died. Several people saw the child and the nursemaid escape, though. Now it is said that von Secker's ghost haunts the old tower, looking for his daughter Saskia, and guarding a great horde of treasure against her return."

"What a sad story," you say. "The poor man."

The oldest daughter nods her head and then says, "I think someone should go to the tower disguised as his daughter, and maybe the old man's soul will finally be able to rest, thinking that he has found her."

Her mother looks at her disapprovingly. "Now, now, it mightn't be the best idea to lie to such a ghost. But it would be nice if he could rest in peace, wouldn't it?"

The following night, while you sleep, you hear strange sounds outside. Pulling on your cloak, you creep downstairs to investigate. The oldest child is staring out the kitchen window, fingering a sword. "What's out there?" you ask. He jumps and swings around, staring at you wide-eyed. Seeing who you are, he relaxes a bit again. "The werewolves are out again," he tells you. "They killed my father, and they keep coming around here, hoping to find something else to kill. Sometimes they get into the barn and take a cow. We've lost several that way, and if they keep coming and taking things we're going to lose everything. The farm next to ours is abandoned now, the family lost most of their livestock and they fled." He steels his jaw, and you are impressed by his bravery. "I've got to do something, before they steal all our animals and we lose the farm, or worse, they break in here and kill us."

If you:

offer to help

commiserate with him but convince him to check that the doors and windows are all locked up tight and go back to bed