sun and moon divider bar

The path leads across a distinctly wet area. As you walk, the Spanish moss rubs agains your cheek, reminding you of a giant spiderweb. You shiver as you pick your way along.

The sun has definitely gone down now, and you have a hard time distinguishing the path from the mucky ground on either side of it, resulting in very muddy boots.

The shack lies directly ahead. Though the outside is dilapidated and creepy-looking, the firelight flickering in the only window you can see is warm and inviting.

You decide to peek through the window before knocking on the door. After all, it still isn't too late to turn back.

Inside, you can see a woman in a long dark robe, bending over a cauldron at the fireplace. She picks up a scoop full of something, and pours it into the steaming cauldron.

sun and moon divider bar

You decide to leave, pronto.

You knock at the door