You continue to eat your dinner, pretending you noticed nothing. One of the other people at the table intervenes, and while the man yells for a few minutes, striking the other with his hand instead of the sword, he eventually calms down. The people refuse to pay their bill for the dinner, and they leave hastily, threatening to tell everyone what a terrible meal they've had.

You finish your meal and head immediately off to bed.

The disturbances aren't over, however. You have just settled into your warm, comfortable bed and begun to drift off when cold water splashes all over your face, soaking your nightshirt and sheets, and making you splutter for breath. You spring from the bed and light your lamp, but no one is in the room.

You pull your bell cord. Nereia arrives in a few minutes, looking harassed and tired. She looks at your wet state, and shakes her head, sighing. "It's obvious the ghost has taken a dislike to you," she tells you. "I'm afraid that it pulls quite a few nasty pranks, and temper tantrums as well. Nearly got poor Tony killed tonight." She glances sideways at you while she changes the sheets. "What a good thing that there was a brave man in the dining room tonight; he may have saved Tony's life. Maybe he's a real adventurer."

Stung to the core, you don't say anything in response.

Nereia leaves after getting you clean, dry sheets. You settle back into bed, but you are reluctant to put out your lamp. Everything seems to have quieted down, however, and you don't dare leave it on all night for fear of starting a fire. After all, that would be much more dangerous than merely getting more water poured on you.

Suddenly, from the dark, you hear horrible, evil laughter.

"Good thing there was a real adventurer downstairs tonight" it mocks you.

You try to ignore it, but it continues to taunt you, as well as bumping and thumping around the room.

Increasingly furious as time goes on and you get more tired, you finally get out of bed, light your lantern, and dress. You pack your things and leave the hotel. It is obvious that you will get no rest there.

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You decide to go to the Old Boar

You decide to go to the Dun Cow