You enter the Swan Hotel. A groom takes your horse off to the well-appointed stable. It is a pleasant place, and the food smells delicious. The innkeeper is a cheery gnome with rosy cheeks, and hands you your key with a chuckle.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here," he tells you. "You'll get a pleasant night's sleep, and the chef's special tonight is most outstanding. I'll have Nereia fetch you a good, hot bath. Will you want it before dinner, or just before you go to bed?"

You decide that you'd like to have the bath right away, so that you'll be clean and fresh for dinner, since the hotel has a formal dining room. You go up to room four, which is the one you have been assigned, and wearily drop your bags on the floor beside the softest bed you've ever seen. This is going to be well worth the money you spent, you think. A bathtub sits on the floor near the window, and a few moments later a soft knock at the door announces the arrival of Nereia. She carries a large amphora full of hot water, and two huge, soft towels.

Nereia is pretty, with long brown hair and strange eyes. She pours the water into the tub, leaves the towels, and goes to fetch more water. When she comes back, you comment on the good prices at the hotel.

Nereia looks at you, then she says "Yes, it is a good price, but still we lose guests."

Intrigued, you ask her what she means.

"You must be very new in town," she answers, "or you wouldn't need to ask. Lately our hotel has had some . . . unusual guests. Some people have stopped coming here for dinner as a result".

You press her for more details, but she just shakes her head, and finishes filling your bath. Wishing you a pleasant stay, she hurries out.

You enjoy the luxurious bath, taking your time, but hunger finally wins out, as the delicious smell of roast boar wafts up from the kitchens. Swiftly dressing again, you head downstairs eagerly.
In spite of the wonderful scent of the food, only a few tables hold guests, and most of them look like travellers. A handsome young man greets you at the doorway, and leads you to a table by the window, pulling out your chair and making sure you are comfortable. He offers you a drink, and dutifully disappears in pursuit of your favorite. You glance around the room at your fellow travellors, who all seem to be enjoying themselves. There is another lone person in the corner of the room closest to the bar, however. He sits, quietly waiting for dinner, and studying the room.

Your drink soon arrives, followed quickly by soup and salad. Roast boar, with apple sauce and mountains of noodles replace this. You are halfway through your plate and slowing down considerably, when a loud crash startles you. You look around, and see a dark stain on the wall near a group of travellers, fresh and starting to drip. At first it looks like blood, but as you watch in surprise, a bottle of red wine rises from their table and dashes itself against the wall, creating a stain much larger than the first.

The lone person in the corner nods his head wordlessly, while the people at the table recoil in horror. You turn to get a better look at what is happening. An angry voice roars "Put me back!", and one of people at the table screams. A moment later the dish of apple sauce is dashed in their face, then falls to the table with a clatter.

The man who seated you rushes into the room and begins to apologise. One of the group, however, is so incensed that he pulls a sword and threatens him with it.

spring flower divider bar

You mind your own business

You rush over and see if you can smooth things