You look around for other visitors who seem trustworthy enough to confide in. You immediately rule out the people who seem to dance attendance on Baron Ellsworthy. Among the few others, there is a middle-aged man and his lovely daughter, who seem solid and dependable. You approach the man and set the situation before him.

He narrows his eyes as he listens to your story, but does not comment until you are finished.

"Are you certain that you did not dream this conversation, because you are grieving and were thinking about your departed master?" he asks you.

"I am quite certain," you reply positively.

"Well, you are right that your word is not enough against two such men; no one would believe you over either one of them, never mind both put together. We must think of a way to trap them if we are going to prove they intend to harm you. Are you brave enough to lay a trap for them?"

You nod your head. "I already thought about it," you tell him. "I need to catch them red-handed, but there have to be witnesses. Otherwise I'm in the same boat as I am now--my word against theirs. Or worse, they might very well kill me."

He nods. "I have an idea, but it will need some magic on your part to work successfully, I think. Can you turn us invisible? One of us could wait on either end of the hall and watch to see if someone comes for you during the night. The rest of the time, you will have to make sure you are somewhere very public, where they wouldn't dare risk attacking you."

"What happens if they send someone else to do their dirty work for them?" the daughter asks. "We'll have to hope that the sheriff can get the truth out of the person, then." You say.

You agree to the plan, making certain to spend the rest of the day with other people around. Finally night falls, and the father and daughter come to your cell. There is barely room for the three of you. You turn first one, and then the other one invisible, and open the door to let them out. "Remember," you whisper to them, "you're invisible but if you bump into someone they will still notice."

That night, back in your cell, you blow out the candle but make sure your sword is close by your side. You also hide the map, just in case they go looking for it before they try to attack you.

It is many hours after dark before you hear a footstep outside your door. The doorknob rattles a tiny bit, and you sit up, tense and alert in every muscle. The door begins to open; you can see the flicker of candle light in a long line. The candle goes out, leaving just the dim torchlight from the hallway. The area of light gets larger and larger as the door opens. You wonder what happened to your two guards. A silhouetted figure appears against the dim hall light, raises its arm, and you see the flash of light against metal. You jump to your feet just as a woman's very piercing scream fills the air.

You light your candle with a quick spell, and quickly utter the spell to turn your helpers back to visibility before any witnesses from the other cells arrive.

The person they are holding struggles frantically, and you pry the knife from his hand, pulling back his hood. It is Prior Ian.

Other people begin to throw their doors open and peer blearily into the hall now. Soon a crowd has gathered, and the father explains to them that his daughter was having nightmares, so they had just decided to take a walk about the grounds to help her get sleepy again when they saw the Prior try to slip into your cell with a knife.

The next few hours are a flurry of questions; first the Baron begins to question the integrity of your story, then the Abbot arrives, summoned from his sleep by one of the Brothers who overheard the scream. The Prior, now caught, fingers the Baron, who manages to escape. The sheriff arrives later, and also questions you.

The Baron is captured and both he and Prior Ian are taken to a jail cell in the nearby small town. They are tried and convicted of both attempting to murder you, and of the death of your master.

You are given the Baron's land in restitution, as he has no heirs.

You decide to return home, having found the people who killed your teacher

You decide to stay at the monastery and join the order

You decide to take the land offered to you, and settle down on the Baron's estate

You decide that you'd like more adventures; you head off for Gerriton.