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Getting To Know… ESTHER (Interview by Hannah Lee)
Became a Christian at summer camp going into Gr.9 at age 13. Fell in love with Christ but still distracted by my wandering eyes. High School life became very difficult and that drew me closer to Him. In Gr. 12 she went to NJ and sought a more personal dependent relationship with God. He unlocked my tongue and taught me how to pray for the first time. Also blessed me with songs of praise to help me communicate with Him. The last four years, God has continually answered my prayer of knowing and understanding Him more. Through a handful of committed and faithful friends and others who bless me along the way, He ministers and shows His love for me.

Favorite Food: Japanese, Korean, Italian, Greek… but most of all sushi!!!

Pet Peeves: people with road rage… especially when I'm in the car (too stressful), drivers who leave their signal lights on when driving, getting mosquito bites in awkward crevices such as armpit, and people that complain…

After graduating: some stuff I'd like to do (not in any particular order):
        · Korea to study at Yonsei and/or teach English
        · Take the one year bible translation program at Trinity Western and then let Wycliffe           send me out to serve
        · Take some courses at Regent: Greek and Hebrew and other theological stuff
        · Find a job teaching at an ESL college.
        · Do my masters
        · From September to December, take it easy and focus on Women's Ministry

Goals of WM: same as the Mission but only better (just kidding!)… to seek the Lord's will for the daughters of the Mission and to fulfill it and in the meantime to serve each other and others, to love each other as women can and need to be loved, to learn each others' strengths, weaknesses, and gifts and build on them.

WHY? Because "for such a time as this" we were created. (quoted from ESTHER)

Esther’s verses to live by…

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great could of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2

"If there is anyone on this earth that knows how to live, that knows how to love, that knows how to laugh, it is the Christian. God desires for us to celebrate life. So often we endure life rather than enjoy it, tolerate it rather than treasure it, and survive it rather than savor it. God wants us to take life by the shoulders and kiss it. Find moments to celebrate and you will become God's fragrance to the world around you." - Lori Salierno

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