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My Testimony
by Wesley Kim

Only recently have I become comfortable in sharing my testimony. I can't explain the uneasiness that it has caused me but sharing my testimony at a camp this summer has given me the courage to share it with confidence. Too plain is how I’ve always perceived my testimony but there’s something about sharing it that exhilarates me. Maybe because it’s so new to me, this sharing experience, that I get a kick out of it but I think it’s more than just a feeling. Sharing it allows me to be a servant of God. I hope you can relate to what God has had to do to experience his love.

Going into high school I was a pretty nasty guy. You could say I was a lot of things. First and foremost, I was an intimidator. Many times I had beaten up my brother, his friends or both. At school I was Mr. Macho himself. No guy was tougher than me and I made sure that I proved it at every chance. Girls weren’t out of bounds for me either. One time I even gave a girl a ddong jeep. They had a little saying for me; don’t mess with Wes. A lot of people thought I was pretty conceited. OK, really conceited. In fact, I always thought the people who called me that were just jealous of my good looks and popularity. Not even our sister Esther could convince me of my huge ego. I was a jerk. I had a very foul mouth and in 8th grade, I stole one of my best friend’s girlfriend and I didn’t realize what I did until 3 days later. Of course I broke up with her. I wasn’t that bad, was I? The next year I remember giving one of my other friends an Olympic sit up in front of the cafeteria. If you don’t know what that is, ask Ray. You see, everything I did was to further my glory whether it was humiliating others or pumping myself up with bully tactics. Soon, it all changed for me.

After the summer of grade 9, I went to our church summer camp. Let’s start with the fact that I grew up in the church and I had been to a lot of camps before but nothing like this one. You see, this camp was the first time I got to respond to Jesus. All the other camps were just Sunday School camps that usually only gave you head knowledge. Yes, I knew who Jesus was and what he did on the cross but the enormity of it never really hit me. This camp allowed me to experience Jesus. Previously I had many times where I felt Jesus tugging at my heart but I never acted on them. On the last night I remember getting an altar call. This was a chance to respond to the work God was doing in my life. I went up to receive prayer but I got so much more. I got Jesus. I remember feeling so ugly and impure

to be before the Lord. I got as low as possible and I just prayed inside that I felt unworthy for Jesus to forgive me and then someone led me through the sinner’s prayer. As soon as I finished praying I felt showered with God’s love. That night changed my life forever.

God freed me from a lot of sins that summer and he continues to free me from others even today. I know I will never be perfect until I meet with my creator face to face but the journey I walk on now is one with a Lord that is real. Not something I know about but someone I can converse with and relate with. Whether I know it or not you could say he’s my best friend.


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