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Church: Take Care of It!
By Michael Kwag

Hey everybody! Everyone knows that they’re a part of God’s holy church...right? God’s church, is your church, you are a part of it, it’s what the church does that affects a lot of our spiritual life, that is, if you accept the church into your life, as a priority. I’ll be writing about what we can do to strengthen our church (us), how we can grow in our relationship with God, together, and what we can do to be a part of it.

Well the first thing you must be in order to be spiritually "fed" from our church, or any other church for that matter, is to be committed. As Casey frequently says, you have to be committed to be coming to a church’s meetings, their activities, boring or fun. Commitment is going all the way, which means ready to support the church in their trouble times, and also joining in the fun. Commitment also goes past Sundays and Wednesdays, it also means the Mondays, the Tuesdays, etc. Pray for your Pastor, pray for your leaders, pray for those in critical times, that is a way of committing yourself to the needs of the church. The church not only needs practical needs, it also needs your spiritual gifts and abilities, which is what God intended them to be used for.

The second thing that you need to do to train yourself is to be actually apart of what goes on. Attending and participation are two very different things, but both are important to become what God wanted his people to do. Participating means to pray for people, playing the games, sing the songs, yes in front of all those people. I, myself know how it is hard to participate because of fear of other people, afraid of what people might say. But God wants me, and you, to get in the action, do your part, the part He has set out for you. I was once told that using the analogy of a football game and the players in the game could explain how God wanted us to participate in our church activities. We, the church are the players, we should be in there, not the bench warmers. Serve God through dedication, dedication through participation and commitment.

God, is so mighty and powerful! He took us, Christ’s body, and made it his bride. What a blessing! God has made his church powerful and has given it the power to prevail over anything. God has planted people just like you and me into his church for his purposes. God has blessed you with powerful gifts, and God intended us to use them. He gave you those gifts to strengthen the church. I believe a lot of you have gifts, whether you know it or not, you do. Don’t be shy to use them, there is no more appropriate place to use them other than in church services, church meetings, and fellowship. Be thankful and blessed by your gifts, and use them for God’s purpose.

Even though this is the end of my article, this is not the end of the ways you can support and strengthen your church. Devote yourself to God and his church, and you will discover what exactly God wants you to do. Let’s praise God for his blessings on us, and his church. Remember that you are the church, and what you do, affects it. Thanks for listening!

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