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Getting to know Jeanne... (Interview by Hannah Lee)

Here’s Jeanne showing off her pearly whites!

: State your full name, age and birthday.
A: Jeanne Soon-Yim, 21years old, March 10th, 1978

Q: Are you excited to go to Toronto, and why?
A: Yes, I’m excited, because it’s something new. I will be on my own but at the same time I’m a bit nervous but that’s all the part of the excitement. It’s so much that I don’t know what to expect.

Q: How did you become a Christian?
A: Through the church I have been attending all my life. It was at a camp, my first Hi-C church camp.

Q: How do you think you were a part of the body at The Mission?
A: Through being a part of the worship team (piano). I hope that I was someone that people would approach and be a friend to.

Q: What makes you sad?
A: Leaving Vancouver. I realized this week more than any other time that I’m not leaving only my immediate family but a family bigger than that.

Q: What makes you happy?
A: Sleeping, and my car.

Q: What things do you like to do on your spare time?
A: Reading, watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and doing puzzles.

Q: Pet peeves?
A: Bad drivers, and when I have something stuck in my tooth.

Q: What do you think God has called you to be in your life?
A: I’m not exactly sure right now but I really like kids and it will be sort of in that direction. But I will do much soul-searching in Toronto!

Q: If you could do one thing in this world, what would it be?
A: If I could to one thing, I would like to fly.

Q: Any words of wisdom?
A: Expect the worst but hope for the best

Nothing stuck in my
teeth this time!
Q: What made you want to go to Toronto?
A: After being in Toronto a couple of times, I really liked it there. UT was also a school that I wanted to go to after graduation, so it was either now or wait 2 more years. So I picked now.

Q: Who will you miss the most?
A: My family.

Q: Describe yourself in 3 words.
A: Private, laid-back, and impatient.

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