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At a Crossroads
By Karen Kim
With a new school year, I’m excited and a little anxious. I’m excited because I have interesting courses to look forward to and new people to meet. But I’m also worried. Why? Because I’m anticipating my graduation as an undergrad and quite frankly, I don’t know where I’m headed afterwards. Will I find a job right away? Or will I continue studying, or take a year off? I have all these questions running through my mind and only one thought consoles and reassures me: trust in God, fix your eyes upon Jesus and He will provide. The last year
in particular, I often wondered how my life would be like after I graduate. And how will God fit into all of my plans? Then a friend of mine made it clear to me that I shouldn’t be worried at all. She told me to think of this:

     God has a fantastic plan for each and every person in this world. It’s just a      matter of us being sensitive to His plan and fulfilling it. How great would it be      for us to live this life that God planned for us?

Now, it sounds rather easy but in truth, I find it hard to know exactly what God wants from me; to live everyday doing God’s will is already enough. Somedays, when I do God’s work, I feel great. Other days I’m left confused and yet other days I don’t think much about serving God at all. I take those days which were filled with doing God’s work and I build upon them. The experiences where I know for certain God’s guidance was present help me to increase my faith in the plan God has for me.

All of this leads to a few key points that help me focus on God’s will for me and gain direction in my life. Firstly, I meditate on the Word and I try to live by it. One verse speaks clearly in this area for me:

     "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,      with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God,      which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in      Christ Jesus."
                                                                               -Philippians 4:6-7

Secondly, I try to spend more quiet time with God where I can listen for His voice and not be distracted by the busyness of my life. Lastly, I need to trust in God’s will for me, and have faith that He will fulfill the needs of my life. If you trust in God, it can do wonders. It replaces my worldly worries with true peace and rest.

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