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Our picturesEver since General Touch Tee signed the CIA peace treaty during the summer of 1999b things have been quiet. For the most part the CIA have been cool, apart from typing in caps and the occasional use of the word Gash things have been fine, except for repeated complaints against one member.
Special files on known repeat perpetrators!
Not one-off's but people who regularly and constantly come to Blackchat to abuse other chatters and cause havoc
p> Assignment 69Boy Wonder(CEO/CIA)

Secret Voice Conscripts from a Veteran Special Ops meeting!
Between Agent Nightlife(Ninja team) and Commander Magnum
00.15hrs 10th October 1999 MVP/VIP eyes ONLY
[NightLife] MVP Agent Nightlife(Ninja Team) ...Reporting for debriefing Sir!
[Magnum] Sound Off like you got a pair Soldier!!  Are you a Veteran?
[NightLife] Sir, YES SIR!
[Magnum] Then say it like you mean it! ....Tell the MVP's what you learned from your latest Secret Mission!
[NightLife] Sir, yes sir! After much covert investigation on the peacetime activities of the CIA we have managed to trace 90% of all CIA offences to that most jarring of the CIA.....69BoyWonder(CEO).
[Magnum] And what do you  propose as a solution to this?
Sir I Propose that it would be in the best interest of all concerned if we initiated an immediate Surgical Strike, Terminating 69boyWonder! That way we would avoid an all out inter-agency war with the CIA.
[Magnum] Are you suggesting That we Assassinate 69boy wonder?
Yes, sir!... But don't look at it as an assassination.... it would be more like Pest Control! the rest of the CIA won't mind..Hell in time they would even thank us for it!
[Magnum]  May I remind you   Agent NightLife that assassination of a C.E.O in the C.I.A is not S.O.P for V.I.P or M.V.P!
[NightLife]  Sir, YES SIR!
[Magnum]  Good Work!!  Is that all soldier?
Yes, sir!
[Magnum]  Is there anything you need?
[NightLife]  NO, SIR!
[Magnum]  Report back to me for debriefing. At ease!  ...And soldier?
[NightLife]  SIR?
[Magnum]  No Need to Shout.
Now we have the Capability to Take out 69Boywonder..what do we do?


Typing in CAPS(capital letters) is like Shouting!   It is annoying and JARRING
The Veterans will NOT allow the Blacknet chatrooms to be abused.
The Veterans will NOT tolerate the Abuse of Black Women!
The Veteran tag is not an excuse to involve a whole heap of peeps in your personal beef.

OK Some Chat Rules...
Don't do it!!!
Typing in CAPS(capital letters) is like Shouting!
and it is annoying and JARRING
Pressing the enter key multiple-times..ARRRGH!
Cornball Lyrics:(what NOT to say)
"Where Da Sexy Ladies at?"
"Where My Thugs at?"
"Any Sexyladies Wanna Chat?"
"Who wants to chat to a Sexy Lady?"
"Can you handle a big sexy momma?"
"ASL or Age, Sex, location" (don't do it!!)
It's Extremely Tired and Played out

Just because you think you are street/ghetto/down, doesn't mean everyone else likes to be called a Nigga, a Ho(not hoe),a Bitch or a Gash"

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