Special files on known repeat perpetrators!
Not one-off's but people who regularly and constantly come to Blackchat to abuse other chatters and cause havoc
Generally It is not our policy to give these people so much free publicity!
But we believe that people should be warned about them.
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The Veterans will NOT allow the Blacknet chatrooms to be abused.
The Veterans will NOT tolerate the Abuse of Black Women!
The Veteran tag is not an excuse to involve a whole heap of peeps in your personal beef.

Known perpertrators & Common Chatroom Menaces. We are not talking about people who have a personal beef with the Veterans as Individuals or as a whole! But people we deem as potentially dangerous individuals and a menace to BlackChat itself.

Subject (Alias')
Wizzz!/ Wizardora/ Anakin Skywalker/
Poor grammer constantly usually types in caps but sometimes switching to lower case 1/2 way thru his sentences for no apparent reason and gets extremely abusive when outed or rejected!
Neutralised!! tho' he still comes to chat occasionally using different names.

Operation Wizzz
Wizzzzzzz is a Black male Sociopath in his 20's and a truly sick individual who used to go to North London Uni. To truly understand the nature of this campaign you NEED to read the comments.
*Please note the 3 people who left comments defend Wizzz all logged on from the same computer!*
"WIZZ!..Do you think we are as dumb As you?"
Anyway he used to Log on to Black-chat during the Spring/Summer of 1998 and seemed to think it would be fun to wage a war on everyone in the chat room!
He would start by singling out ladies and sending vulgar Private Messages to them.
These messages would range from obscene to the totally sickening, threatening violent abusive abnormal sex and sometimes just out and out violence.
He would also cuss man as well as woman. Noone was able to chat totally flooding the room with bullshit to the extent that sometimes the entire room would crash.
We tried everything, cussing him, ignoring him, reasoning with him... But he kept on relentlessly on and off for two or three months he even came to a Blacknet Link-up at Porky’s.
If you were misguided enough to let him have your telephone number he would continue his assault off-line verbally abusing friends & family (including parents!) over the phone.
Anyway eventually WizZZ was tracked down and exposed by Veteran Commando Magnum!
Wizzz’s picture and real name was placed on a website and everyone was invited to comment on the saga!
After which Wizzz contacted magnum and apologised unconditionally claiming that he was sorry and did not really realise how much grief he had been causing.
Personally I think he was just sorry that he had been exposed. Wizzz was a sick sad peversely cowardly f*ck-wit! We still have his details (Pictures/Real Name & Location) on file ready to Re-initiate "Operation Wizzz" Should he re-emerge.!
Read the comments on Wizzz! - Leave a comment on Wizzz!

Subject (Alias') Mr lickupNDown
23 inches/ Supertings/ Sparticus/ Women R Bootiful/ Guanabana
He even has the cheek to call himslef Mr Lick (MVP)
Become Agressive and Abusive when outed or rejected
Currently active and under investigation
After a long drawn out campaign against 23 inches he finally agreed that he may unintentionally aggravated peeps in the room and was unaware of the grief he was causing
He agreed to cease and desist all such activities in future. Read and leave comments on Supertings!

OK Some Chat Rules...
Don't do it!!!
Typing in CAPS(capital letters) is like Shouting!
and it is annoying and JARRING
Pressing the enter key multiple-times..ARRRGH!
Cornball Lyrics:(what NOT to say)
"Where Da Sexy Ladies at?"
"Where My Thugs at?"
"Any Sexyladies Wanna Chat?"
"Who wants to chat to a Sexy Lady?"
"Can you handle a big sexy momma?"
"ASL or Age, Sex, location" (don't do it!!)
It's Extremely Tired and Played out

Just because you think you are street/ghetto/down, doesn't mean everyone else likes to be called a Nigga, a Ho(not hoe),a Bitch or a Gash"


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