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by: Dr. Carmen Mandal Eturma

The archetype of man as liberator --- who delivers another from the bondage of oppression -- lives on from generation to generation. In Bogo, fifty years ago, the oppressor was POVERTY, an enemy that haunted the youth and undermined their existence. Rooted in the practices of the feudal system nurtured by a thoroughly agrarian economy, poverty threatened to erode the inner fiber of the youth's confidence and nearly made them succumb to the indifference of fatalistic resignation.

However, Divine Providence creates inexplicable mechanisms for imposing on life a balance of events. The law of compensation asserted itself as a young man rose from poverty to prominence to become an outstanding professor of law, an exemplary civic leader, and an eminent jurist and judge. Privy to the sufferings and inner conflict of the poor, the late Wenceslao L. Fernan founded the Bogo Redeemers Society. The organization gave the youth of Bogo numerous opportunities for self-expression, peer acceptance and approval, development of a sense of identity, and fulfillment of a desire for recognition. A devoted family man, Wenceslao L. Fernan ably guided young men and women of Bogo to attain success and prestige so that they would be worthy of emulation by succeeding generations.

Through the years, the beacon light has been passed through generations of young men and women. The Bogo Redeemers Society has become a cal to achievement. Many of its leaders and members have passed from youth to age, from idealism to wisdom. On May 25, 1990, the Bogo Redeemers Society Foundation, Inc. (BRSFI) was born. Headed by fifteen men and women, who are achievers in their own right, the BRSFI aims to foster and maintain for posterity the memory of the late Wenceslao L. Fernan. It aims to promote, encourage, and develop among its members the strengthening of fraternal bonds of the development of the moral, intellectual, physical and economic advancement of the less fortunate of the town of Bogo. Just as the late Wenceslao L. Fernan vowed to "deliver the youth from the clutches of poverty", the BRSFI operationalizes this commitment by providing scholarships, grants, and individual incentives for the youth so that they may obtain a higher degree of education, acquire technical skills, gain competence in arts and trades and engage in gainful occupational pursuits for the benefit of their respective families and society in general.

Toward this end, the Foundation organizes, conduct, and perform varied activities, which are necessary for and incidental to the attainment of its purposes and objectives. Under the able leadership of lawyers, businesspersons, physicians and educators, the Foundation is the embodiment of the ideals of the youth of Bogo and the fulfillment of the Bogohanon dream.

The work of liberation continues. And the archetype of the liberator lives forever. As time races by swiftly, the BRSFI may evolve in consonance with the times, but its ideals will remain.

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