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* Introduction * Who I am * Etheleen * My Family * Extended Family * Forever Friends * Ottawa-Gloucester & NCR *
* Contact Me * Bernie's Ringette Page * Bernie's Ringette Links * National Ringette Champions * Other Links *
(Updated:14 July, 2004)

Etheleen at 16 years of age
Tiny at Sweet 16

Lightheart Pin for Cancer Survivors. Click here to find the meaning of this Pin.
Lightheart Story
     Etheleen     Etheleen Cockburn     Etheleen       Etheleen's Story.
Etheleen's Story

Click to see a larger photo of Gord and Tiny June 30, 2004.

Tiny and Debbie at the Hardrock Cafe during Debbie's visit to Ottawa in 2003.
Debbie and Tiny
Etheleen at the Cracker Barrel in Watertown, N.Y.
Bernie & Etheleen in London       Bernie & Etheleen at the Crackerbarrel       Etheleen and Bernie Bernie and Etheleen July 91 Bernie and Etheleen Proudly Showing off the Canal to Friends Etheleen

Click here to see our Extended Family (Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces & Nephews and the like)

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Welcome Page . . . . . Page 1

You are Here - Me & My Family . . . Page 2

Our Extended Family (Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and the like)

Forever Friends. . . . Page 3

Photos & Links - National Capital Region . . Page 4

Ringette Links . . . Page 5

All Other Links. . . Page 6