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All Burma Federation of Student Unions(ABFSU)
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  MIN KO NAING "Conqueror of Kings"
                   August 1988 - 8888 pro-democracy movement
On 8 August 1988, in spite of the heavy presence of troops, intimidation and threats, thousands of Burmese people took part in the movement. Anti-government demonstrations broke out simultaneously in towns and cities all over the country.

In Rangoon, workers, monks, and students marched to center of Rangoon to protest against the government. In the afternoon, Min Ko Naing gave a speech in front of the US embassy in downtown Rangoon. A large crowd gathered and listened to his speech.

He said, "We, the people of Burma, have had to live without human dignity for 26 years under the oppressive rule. We must end the dictatorial rule in our country. Only the "people power" could bring down the repressive rulers."

In his speech, the student leader also talked about the government's mismanagement on the economy. He said, "In 26 years Burma has become one of the poorest countries in the world. The worst thing is that our society is so corrupt that we have lost our self-esteem and values." He also warned that the movement won't be easy. He asked people to prepare for the worst and talked about the importance of the unity.

He concluded his speech by saying, "If we want to enjoy the same rights as people in other countries, we have to be disciplined, united and brave enough to stand up the dictators. Let's express our sufferings and demands. Nothing is going to stop us from achieving peace and justice in our country."

That night, the army opened fire on demonstrators who were gathering in front of the City Hall in Rangoon. Hundreds of people including young students were gunned down. In provinces, troops were ordered to shoot demonstrators. For instance, in Sagaing, approximately 200 people were killed.

The next day, Min Ko Naing led a crowd from Thingangyun, and joined with other student leaders who headed other groups from different parts of Rangoon. Shootings and killings continued in Rangoon. Min Ko Naing and students went to Shwegondaing Road where soldiers opened fire, killing hundreds of peaceful demonstrators.

On 23 August 1988, Min Ko Naing gave a speech in front of the Rangoon General Hospital (RGH) where shootings occurred. That was a significant gathering as many prominent politicians and student activists attended the peaceful gathering.

Min Ko Naing accompanied by Moe Thee Zun joined the meeting. U Tin Oo, a former defense minister, who later became a chairman of the NLD also attended and gave speeches.

Min Ko Naing told the crowd: "World history has shown that people with strong spirit, unity, courage and discipline could bring down authoritarian governments. We believe in people power. Without your participation, we could achieve nothing."

On 26 August 1988, Min Ko Naing and activists arranged for students in Rangoon to listen to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's first public speech. Several hundred thousand people including students went to Burma's most famous sacred shrine Shwedagon Pagoda.

Meanwhile, Min Ko Naing and other student leaders held several meetings to set up a students' union. Subsequently, Min Ko Naing and 30 student activists held a meeting in Rangoon and decided to re-establish the ABFSU with Min Ko Naing as the leader. Min Ko Naing argued that he didn't need to be the chairman; what was more important was for everyone to work together.

On 28 August 1988, Burma's first student congress in 26 years was held in RASU campus. Thousands of students, veteran politicians and former student activists from the 1960s came to attend the founding of the students' union. Prominent leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sent congratulation messages to students.

At the students' conference, chairman Min Ko Naing read one of his poems, entitled "Faith" which later became very famous. When he finished, the crowd applauded ecstatically. As in his other speeches, he stressed the importance of unity saying "we need a solidified force to break down this huge wall".

In the closing session, people were chanting his poem, in which he promised that he would be faithful and committed to the people's struggle which he regarded as the fight for the truth. He took an oath that out of respect for those who had died before him, he would continue the fight until democracy and human rights were restored.

Following that meeting, groups of students began marching peacefully through the streets carrying the union flag and singing the union song. As they went along, people from all walks of life joined them, until the streets were full of people.

Many government buildings like some police stations, schools, and universities became organizing centers for different pro-democracy organizations. Transportation and communication was stopped, and the MI was trying to cause anarchy and chaos situation by releasing all the criminals from the prisons.

In such a situation, Min Ko Naing led the ABFSU group that based in Rangoon General Hospital while different organizations all over the country coordinated with the ABFSU to handle social and economic problems as well as political issues. For instance, they distributed rice to those in need and provided petty cash to the poor and to released prisoners in order to prevent looting. When mobs gathered to attack looters or suspected informers, Chairman Min Ko Naing and his ABFSU members always arrived to calm down and disperse the crowd. By this time, he had become a well known figure all over the country.

The ABFSU also reorganized communications and transportation and encouraged people to form local security teams together with the monks and other respectable people.