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All Burma Federation of Student Unions(ABFSU)
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  MIN KO NAING "Conqueror of Kings"
                   September 1988
On 4 September 1988, Min Ko Naing met with US congressman Stephen J. Solarz, who was working with sub-committee on Asia-Pacific Affairs. Mr. Solarz was visiting Burma to meet with top political leaders in order to assess the situation.

During the meeting, Min Ko Naing told Solarz that the people were asking for the emergence of an interim government but that the military had not responded to the peoples' demand. According to him, whether the situation became explosive or not depended on the military.

On 9 September 1988, Min Ko Naing held a meeting attended by 117 student representatives in Rangoon. The student leader asked for better teamwork among student groups as they had in some ways become in-charge of the country. He also welcomed defectors from the armed forces who joined the movement during this period.
16 September 1988

About 20,000 people gathered in front of the War Office in Rangoon to ask for the formation of an interim government. The situation grew tense, and people were ready to storm the War Office while the military was telling them to disperse. Min Ko Naing went there and asked the people to calm down.

He said, "Our noble desires must be brought forth through peaceful means. Try to restrain your anger and hatred."

A similar incident happened on September 17, when there was a confrontation between troops stationed at the Trade Department and demonstrators when a gun shot was fired. Min Ko Naing arrived together with veteran politicians and told the people to control their anger and restrain from using force. The angry crowd followed what he said and peacefully dispersed.

On 18 September 1988, the military staged a bloody coup and formed the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). A curfew was imposed and gatherings of more than five people were declared illegal. However, the junta promised a Multi-Party Election saying they would only stay in power temporarily.

Since then, Min Ko Naing stayed underground inside the country, still leading the ABFSU while some activists set up political parties and others left to take up arms in the jungle. He held several secret meetings for to discuss what political activities could still be done, such as distributing anti-military pamphlets and staging protests especially on the anniversary days. He had to move from place to place, because the MI were trying to track him down. If it wasn't for the assistance of his many supporters, he would have been arrested much earlier.