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All Burma Federation of Student Unions(ABFSU)
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  MIN KO NAING "Conqueror of Kings"
                    March 16, First anniversary of the Red-bridge day
He attended the anniversary ceremony held at Daw Aung San Suu Kyi home. He gave the speech to the gathering in her compound, numbering thousands. He criticized junta and Ne Win for the massacres throughout 1988. This was his last public speech.

Min Ko Naing and his colleagues were secretly planning to organize a public rally on March 27th, Armed Forces Day. But the military also stepped-up security measures for the preparation of the Arms Forces Day and troops were patrolling around the city, from dawn to dusk.

Min Ko Naing represented both the pain and the hope of the entire Burmese people, and this is the reason that the military arrested him on March 23rd, 1989. Arresting Min Ko Naing was an important signal to the other leaders that nobody would be safe from arrest and imprisonment. Not long after, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and several others were also arrested.

Min Ko Naing was charged under section 5(j) of the 1950 Emergency Provisions Act for having delivered anti-government speeches and agitating unrest. For this, he was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, of which he has already served 10 long years in solitary confinement. While other political prisoners have received amnesties and are allowed to stay in group cells and receive regular family visits, Min Ko Naing has been kept isolated and been given no reductions in has sentence.