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Graduation and Summer

The Year 13 Dinner Dance, a.k.a. Senior Prom. I went over to Hilda's house to get ready w/ her and Sandra.. It was good. Our getting ready consisted mainly of playing FF9 :) Then, the guys came to pick us up. This is a pic of us right before the dinner dance at Hilda's house.

Me and Alli at the Grand Hyatt, where we had our dinner dance. This was before the dinner and "entertainment" started I think.

Me and Richie in the DD.. :) I've grown closer to Mr Ricardo during this summer.. he's a very nice guy, good friend. I look forward to when he manages to beat the 6000 word email. MUEHHAHAHA.. jkjk. But yeh, unfortunetly, he does have a few misconceptions about a few things.. like is the best buildings in Hk.. and what you can "choi" and cant. xP

Miche, Paddy, Kimbles, Krishy at Devils, where we all went after they kicked us out of the Grand Hyatt at midnight :( That was an awesome night.. =) .. even the very.. Eventful bits hahaha.. But definetly, very.. memorable you might say. Unfortunetly, this is about all the pic's I have of our DD :(

Me, Helen & Hilda. This was the night of our actual graduation from High School.. I've known Helen for some.. 9 years come to think of it!! But never actually knew "knew" her till.. Yr 10.. when some Duck decided to use a whole hotel room herself. meuahha jkjk. :P But yeh.. Helen's great.. she has common sense in dire circumstances (yes, im exagerating a lil) which me & hilda, at times lack.. (remember b4 Star Cruise..?) But she does tend to wake me up at ungodly hours of the night.. hehe not that i mind :) And I'll never forget Hilda and GCSE English.. and her hatching of the egg.. and me narrating.. stuff.. ;p They've always been there for me.. and I'm thankful for that. :)

Krish, Kimbles, Miche & Moi. The Munchkins!!! They're tons of fun, PARTAE ANIMALS. haha.. the PIMPS. attracting all these wierd men.. This pic was the night.. or actually Morning of our Graduation. We had gone out that night to Club Ing, and then when we got back to school that early morning for our Grad, we decided to go for a swim. This was taken after our Swim on top of our Common Room.

This is one of the places where we hung out alot during Summer 2001. The Derby.. That's Jax to the left, Me, Hildi and Alli.

That's Grace, Me, Hildi, Krish and Alan at Club Ing. This was Grace's 18th Bday party, and she rented a room at Ing too.. :) That was good...

Okie, this was the night b4 David left at the Derby again.. We all met up cuz David said it was his last night.. BUT he didn't show up himself till years later..ugh.. but.. he then treated us all to shots as compensation :] The pic below is of us taking it.. That's Me on the left, Johnny, Mark, Rachel, Lorri and Siew.

If you wanna see more pix of the summer and some Miscellanous ones (yes I can't spell at all).. click here: MoRe.. SuMmEr '01