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Africa - Fiction

This is my list of fiction titles about Africa that I either own or have read in alphabetical order. This list is small, as I added a separate page for travelogues because, to me, they usually border between fiction and non-fiction. Whenever possible, the book cover is posted on the right with my own brief description on the left. If there is no book cover available by, there is a Chapters button. If Chapters has both a hardcover and a paperback version of the book, the image link will take you to purchase the hardcover, and the text link will be to purchase the paperback.

African Tales From Tendai's Grandmother Paperback only.
Bimwili & The Zimwi Paperback only.
Children's Thrift Classics: African Folk Tales Paperpack only.
Cat in Search of a Friend Paperback only.
Author: Meshack Asare
Indaba My Children: African Folktales Paperback only.
I haven't read this yet, but it looks really fascinating. It was given to me as a gift. They are collected folk tales and legends from South Africa.
Author: Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa
Koi and the Kola Nuts: A Tale from Liberia Hardcover only.
The Cow-Tail Switch & Other West African Stories Paperback only.
Tokolosh: African Folktales Retold Paperback only.
West African Trickster Tales Paperback only.

Other Pages

Kat's Library Index
Katrina's African Adventures