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Hi! Once you leave Mt. Moon, you won't be able to return from that road. Go to the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City and heal your pokemon for they must be running low on HP after that long journey through Mt. Moon. After this, explore the city. Buy new items in the pokemart. There is a bicycle shop but you cannot get a bicycle until you get a bike voucher in Vermillion City. Talk to the trainers here and remember what they tell you. If you go to the left house in the top, you will find out all about badges. To the right of this house is another house. In there, a man will trade his rare Jynx for a common Poliwhirl. You can capture a Poliwhirl later.

If you go even further up, you will have to beat the Nugget Bridge trainers. Don't bother beating them yet. Wait until you have beaten Misty, the Cerulean City Gym leader. Before you do that, you may want to build you pokemons' levels in the patch of grass between Mt. Moon and Cerulean City. Ther, you will find Oddish, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, and Ekans. Don't catch any of these pokemon because you can catch higher leveled ones soon. Gain levels especially for your Pikachu and Bulbasaur for electric and grass pokemon are strong against Misty's water pokemon.

When your Pikachu is at least level 18, go to the Cerulean City gym. There are two other trainers there.

I can't remember all the pokemon the two trainers use, but I do remember some are Slowpoke, Seel, Shellder, Horsea, and Goldeen. Do not use Bulbasaur against Goldeen because Goldeen has an attack called Peck, which is flying typed attack. Flying attacks are strong against grass pokemon.

I think their levels are ranging from levels 13 to levels 18.

Make sure you have a pretty high leveled Bulbasaur or Pikachu when fighting Misty because her two pokemon: Staryu and Starmie are level 18 and 21. Starmie may use Bubblebeam, a powerful water attack against you and lower your HP a lot. If possible, try to poison Starmie. Misty is a water pokemon trainer.

When you beat Misty, she will give you the Cascade Badge and TM 11, which contains Bubblebeam. Bubblebeam is a powerful water attack. Teach it to your favorite water pokemon! The Cascade Badge allows all your pokemon up to level 30 to obey you. This rule only applys for outsiders: pokemon you got in a trade (trading a Poliwhirl for Jynx in Cerulean City).

Once you have beaten the gym, go back to the Pokecenter to heal your pokemon. Go up the Nugget Bridge. Before you reach the bridge, Gary will fight you again. I forgot what pokemon he uses but I remember some. He starts with a level 18 Pidgeotto, use a Pikachu against that. Then he uses a level 16 Raticate. After that, he uses a level 15 Abra. You can use anything against that because Abra is a useless pokemon. All it has is teleporting away from battle but you can't run away from a trainer's battle. It is a psychic pokemon. Don't use Bulbasaur's vine whip against it because grass attacks are not effective against psychic pokemon. After that, he will throw out his starting pokemon at level 21. After you defeat him, you can proceed up the Nugget Bridge. There are five trainers on the Nugget Bridge. You should be able to beat them easily. At the end of the bridge, there is another trainer who will give you a nugget for beating the Nugget Bridge trainers. Then he will ask you to join his team, Team Rocket, and after you refuse him, he will fight you. You can beat him easily. Go back to the Pokecenter to heal up. Go back up the Nugget Bridge and left to a patch of grass. You will fight another trainer there. After, gain levels for your pokemon in that patch of grass. You can fight a level 14 Oddish, level 8, 10, 12 Abra, and Pidgeys. If you want, you can capture the level 14 Oddish but you can catch a higher one very soon. Gain levels here for your Charmander, since it is strong against Oddish. Gain levels for Pikachu; strong against Pidgey. Try to capture Abra. It is useful even outside of battle. He has a special move called teleport. When you outside, say in a large patch of grass and you see your HP is running low, you can use teleport and you will be immediately teleported back to the last Pokecenter you went to. Abra proves useless in battle however. It has a high speed. At level 16, it evolves into Kadabra, a much more powerful psychic pokemon. When it evolves, it learns the psychic attack called Confusion. It will be very difficult to capture an Abra because of its high speed. It will teleport away. If you have a high level Butterfree over level 17, you will have a good chance. Butterfree learns sleep powder at level 17. This attack will put your opponent to sleep for 2 to 7 turns. It can use sleep powder before Abra can teleport away. After it is asleep, use another pokemon to weaken Abra. THen throw a pokeball and its all yours. Catch two Abras; try at level 12. One Abra you can keep and the other one you can trade for a Mr. Mime back in Viridan City. You can gain levels for your Abra here by putting it as the first in line-up and in battle, switching it to a stronger pokemon to fight. Or you can wait until you have went to Bill's House and put it in the Daycare center on the way to Vermillion City. It's your choice. Your next mission is to beat the many trainers on the way to Sea Cottage, to visit Bill, the Great Pokemaniac as you may have heard from people in Cerulean City.

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