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<blink><center><font color=green><font size="7">PALLET TOWN WALKTHROUGH!</font></center></blink>

Hi! Welcome to my Pallet Town Walkthrough! For all those beginners out there, here's something to help you get through the game easily. You start the game in your very own house. You are in your own room. You are playing the Super Nintendo. Go over to your computer and withdraw a potion. This should help you during your battle with Gary. Go downstairs. Your mom will tell you to start your adventure. Go out of your house. Look around, small town, huh? Only three houses: yours, your rival and best friend Gary Oak's, and Professor Oak's. Go into the grass above and Professor Oak will stop you. He will say, "....... it is dangerous here. I know, come to my lab and I'll give you your very own pokemon to defend yourself." You follow him to his lab. There, you also see his aides and Gary. Professor Oak tells you that he will give you your own Pokemon and you get to choose before Gary. There are three pokeballs on the table on the right. The left is Bulbasaur, the plant pokemon. The middle is Squirtle, the water pokemon. And the right is Charmander, the fire pokemon. THeir pokedex info are:

Beginners should choose Bulbasaur because it is strong against the first two gyms. Amateurs should choose Squirtle because it is strong against the first gym leader. Masters should choose Charmander because, although it is weak against the first two gyms, it proves very useful and powerful when it eveloves into it's final stage: Charizard. Gary will choose the pokemon that is strong against yours. For example, if you choose Charmander, he will choose Squirtle. After you pick your pokemon, Gary will fight you when you try to leave. The three starting pokemon start at level 5. Bulbasaur has two moves at that point: Tackle and Growl, Squirtle has: Tackle and Tail Whip, and Charmander has: Scratch and Growl. Mostly use Tackle or Scratch. Tail Whip lowers your enemy's defense, Growl lowers your enemy's attack. Don't use these that much. If you find yourself running low on HP, use a potion. If you win, you will gain experience and a level for your pokemon and money. If you lose, your pokemon goes back to your house to be healed and you don't get anything at all. Heal yourself and go north to the grass. If you walk in tall grass, you will be ambushed eventually by wild pokemon. If you keep going north, you will go to Viridian City. On the way, you will fight a Pidgey and a Rattata, usually at level 2 to 5. Talk to the people along the way for they will give you items sometimes and helpful hints.

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