VCF has an active housefellowship life:
Housefellowships, or housegroups, are meetings held in homes where the smaller unit allows us to build stronger relationships. Here there is a chance to pray and discuss the Bible and topics relevant to our lives.
Our housefellowships and leaders are as follows:
Paul and Linda
Danielson 545 7067 Mickey and Denise
Killough 545 7108 Clint and Sharon
Batchelor 558 0254 Doug and Janis
McKenzie 549 4540 Rod and Lorraine
McNaueal 542 5106 Ken and Sandra
Mather 549 1833 Rene and Glenda
Brunelle 545 6832 Mark and Keri
Nahirny 260 1051
Usual housegroup evenings are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please phone leaders for specific information. Housegroups with specific requests may sometimes post their information on this page - keep watch !