Tom in da bafroom

Vivek and me, through the mirror, in the bathroom once again. We like that bathroom.

Reba post-hair dying looking all sexy and pink and shit. My crazy roommate she is.

Hannah, dyed hands, Reba, me

Vivek as Jesus, Halloween. What sacrelige.

Vivek as Jesus, being Jesusy.

It's a little mini cute Burt. He sent it to me, so here it is.

Reba gettin her hair bleached. There's much better hair dying pictures out there... Must get some. Anyway, yeah. Hannah doin some dying, Laurel holding some dye. Woooooo.

Demonic hair bleaching....

My crazy roommate once again. She was the dominatrix for some scavenger hunt. I dunno.

Reba with a mohawk. Quite a surprise to come home to after winter term =)

I should change the name of this page to "The Many Faces of Reba". This is Reba as the Alligator Girl at the circus that was put on here. She kicked ass and scared the crap out of me. I'm glad Tom made her laugh once. Otherwise I would have had to run away again.

Vivek's pretty picture on somebody's screen.

Vivek making a face. Yay.
*pics from various sources, screwiness by Burt*