








photo album


A form for you...



URL(include http://)



A few questions about my page...

How did you find this page?

What do you think about my page?

What would you like to see added?

What's your favorite part of my page?

Now, back to you...

Where were you born?

Are you reading anything right now? Yes No

If so, what?

What's your favorite book?(inc. author)

What do you like about it?

Who's your favorite author?

Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what? By who?

Do you have a favorite poet? If so, who?

Do you write? Yes No

If so, what?

Are you gonna give me anything for my page???? Yes No Maybe

What's your favorite phrase?

What's your favorite word?

What's your favorite movie?


What's your favorite quote from a movie?

What do you want to do for a living?

What do you want to be sure and do during your lifetime?

Where would you like to live?

Where do you want to travel to?

Where do you see yourself/what do you see yourself doing in five years?

Ten years?

What kind of music do you listen to?

Who's your favorite band/musician?


What's your favorite song?

What song do you think describes you?

Any songs stalking you currently? If so, what?

What's in your cd player right now?

Who's your favorite one hit wonder?

Do you play any instruments? Yes No

If yes, what?

What's your most prized posession?

What's on the walls in your room?

What's your favorite male name?

What's your favorite female name?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?

What do you regret doing?

You are single taken married

Have you ever been in love? Yes No ?

Any opinions/experiences about love you'd wish to share?

What's your opinion on marriage?

What do you consider to be your religion if anything?

Do you believe in God? Yes No ?

Why/Why not?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

When was the last time you cried?

What's the toughest thing you've had to go through?

How did you get through it?/What helped you out?

What's the best thing that's happened to you today?

What's pissing you off right now?(please don't say this form...hehe)

Now, tell me anything you want. Ask me stuff. Whatever.

Thank you! You have made me happy.
Hope you enjoyed =)

© 2002
est. July 1998
version 2 Oct. 1999
version 3 April 2002