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September [21] [17] [11] [3]


September 21, 2000 ~ Ugh. The last few days have been really weird and not so good and I'm not really sure why. I think I've had more work to do than usual, and I might be more tired than usual, but I don't think so. I was also getting sick for awhile, but that seems to have blown over. I really don't know what it is though. I've just felt kind of constantly out of it, confused, something like that. I was realizing yet again tonight what a lack of social energy I have. It's not that I don't, but there isn't a constant source for me to draw from which many people seem to have. I'd just rather not do that. It seems like too much effort, and then I feel like I'm being really lazy. I am kind of mad at myself about this, cause I met this guy a few weeks ago who was just insanely insanely cool, who I've run into and talked to a few times, but I haven't gotten together the energy to just go over to his room or call him, and it's pissing me off. I think I kind of feel like I had to put forth such an abnormal amount of effort with this stuff when I first got here that right now I'd rather just not have to deal with it. So like everyone that I hang out with now are the people who are most convenient for me. Either the people on my hall, or the people who come to see me. Not that I don't like these people and all, but I get mad at myself that I'm not putting forth the effort. Cause then who my friends are is determined by location rather than anything real. If that makes sense. Of course this is just me being slightly crazy and really tired, but yeah. And I also know that I don't really want to be tied into a specific group of people at this point cause there are still so many people that I've either met and haven't done anything with yet, or haven't really met who seem mighty cool. And scenes that I could totally get into that I'm not anywhere near right now. So yeah. And I also just don't like not knowing where I am. And then it gets tied in to not knowing who I am. And that it's just crappy. I know this doesn't make sense. But yeah. But yeah, most of the time I feel like I'd rather just have a few nice people to hang out with rather than put forth the effort to find people who may be more interesting or who I may like more. And I think that that's bad, cause it's limiting me to some respect. I also think I'm intimidated by people which is really bad. I don't know. I hate fucking social awkwardness. And this school's weird. Let me tell you. I don't really know. See, that's the thing. I don't really know where I am cause I don't really think I am anywhere yet. And it's also so hard for me to judge how I am or what I am or what the hell's going on, cause I'm viewing everything from here right now, and I'm not used to being here. So now I'm feeling like going home is going to help this. And then I get fucking homesick. Someone in my english group today is from Rockville, and he started talking about the 930 Club and it just made me soooo happy and nostalgic and shit. It was weird. Ugh. And I fucking miss people. And I fucking hate how I have the need for this stuff. But moving on. I've got so much fucking reading to do. People kidnapped me and made me go to a bluegrass concert tonight. Haha. It was actually really good and fun though. And now people are watching my Rocky Horror Picture Show video across the hall and I can hear it and it's soooo difficult for me to stay in my room. Grr. But anyway, I'm a bit disoriented and odd right now, so I'll be ending this. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.


Alright, so it's many hours later and I'm feeling pretty vented. Which is good. I need to find some way of calming myself down, cause I totally get into these frenzies where I'm overwhelmed and then proceed to overwhelm myself as much as possible. So yeah. I need to read a lot this weekend. Stay on top of that, and then I can put my attention towards other things without feeling like I'm neglecting that. I need to remember that I've only been here for three weeks, and nothing's set, and it's not too late for a lot of things to take place. And there's more time to my life than where I am right now, at least hopefully so, so everything doesn't have to happen now. It's quite possible that I can slow down and still get something accomplished. And it doesn't have to be either hyper social or complete slacker. There can be middle ground. Alright, my self-calming lessons of the evening. Blah. I'll be glad when this week's over. I need to feel like there's a break or an end to this that isn't fall break, cause that's too far off and makes me focus on going home too much. So if I can get myself caught up, then maybe I can enjoy myself while I'm still here. Now wouldn't that be wonderful. Alright, off I go. I love you Thomas.


September 17, 2000 ~ So, stuff here's going well I'd say. Most of the time I'm having a lot of fun. This weekend was cool, but very exhausting. Two concerts friday and saturday, and then today I've just kind of been hanging around. It was soooooo beautiful today though. We ate a really long lunch, I did my laundry, we went downtown and I bought me a dress which I'm really really liking, we dyed my roommate's hair pink, and that's about it. It's been a really nice relaxing day though. Although I've done none of my reading which is a very bad thing. So today I was talking to Eileen and she was telling me the two things she's learned from being in college, and then asked me what mine were. I said that I never wanted to shave again and I didn't mind being naked. Haha. I think that's pretty true though. It's going to be really weird going home. It's just such a different world. I think I'm glad that I'm gonna be here for awhile now. I don't really wanna get back into thinking in the same mindset of mainstream America. Haha. That sounds so funny. But I think it's true in many ways as well. I don't know. It'll just be weird I'm thinking. I go home in mid October, and in some ways that seems really soon to be going back to where I used to live and all of that. And to go back to my high school! Man, that'll be weird. Although I'm looking forward to it. We're going to our high school's homecoming game. It'll be cool. Just weird.... In other ways, mid October seems insanely far away. Cause I miss my boyfriend sooooo much and I can't wait to see him. A lot of the time stuff's still nice and not too bad and I'm having a good time, and then there's these times where I'm just thinking about how much I miss him all the time, and then that's no good and I'm just really sad. But overall it's been handleable. Strange though. But yeah. So things are going well overall. At the Sleater-Kinney concert last night, my attitude about things kept changing. At one point in the night I was thinking about how I really hated the trendiness and stupidity of young people and the whole social thing, and how I could be perfectly content spending my life in the woods with a few close friends. But that kept changin. When I got back I talked to some people who were hanging out outside and was enjoying myself a lot, and talked to someone about how we needed to hang out cause we hadn't yet, and how we were frightened that things would get really boring here and that we'd know everyone. And then when I got inside, I talked to this guy on our hall who commented on how he's liked everyone he's met here, and then I realized that I've liked everyone too. So why was I thinking all of this to begin with? I do not know. But anyway. I'm feeling like I'm starting to change/grow, and I'm enjoying it. I don't really know in what directions I'm going or if they're good or not, but there's new things going on, and that feels really good. Had my first communal shower today. Very exciting. Haha. It's about 11 right now, and I'm sooo tired and have so much to read. Very bad. But I think I'm done with this now, so maybe I'll get something done. Maybe I'll get myself some more tea. Although it's late, so that could be bad. So sleepy so sleepy. I'm going to a Phish concert tomorrow. It should be a cool adventure, although it feels so random seeing that I'm not much of a Phish fan. I'm definitely looking forward to it. And perhaps I will be by the end of it. But off I go to read I suppose. I'm feelin odd. Like I'm not really able to examine myself clearly since I'm viewing things from a different perspective/place now. I wonder if going home will make me look at things differently. I wonder.... Alright, I'm going now. BYE!


September 11, 2000 ~ Hey there. Wow, it's been awhile, at least in goings on, if not in time as well. First off, as far as my revamping this page. I figured it would take me forever if I tried to finish it all before revealing it, so instead I'm just going to improve it bit by bit and reveal it as it is accomplished. So this is the new ramblings section. Haha. I think the cafe is next, but who knows.... You'll just have to check back to see the vast improvements. Haha. So yeah, college is going pretty well I'd say. Things are much more relaxed, less awkward and such. When I have moments when I kind of get a feeling of this school, I really really like it. It's crazy. There's so many really talented people here. Like insanely talented. It kinda freaks me out. It's so strange to be in a place where just about everyone is young, intelligent, nice and talented. Insanity. The general insane character of the school is wearing off on me as well I think. Like I was totally freaked out by the concept of the communal showers in my dorm, but now it's just not a big deal at all. There was a naked soccer game here last weekend. So yeah. And I've stopped shaving completely. Haha. It just doesn't matter here, and when it comes right down to it, when you're in the shower, and you could be done or shave, it's much easier to just be done. I think just being around so many different people in an environment like this is also changing the way I think a lot. Not really in any drastic ways, but I think I just kind of look at things from more angles now than I would have before, cause I have contact other peoples different experiences and opinions that I didn't have. So it's been interesting. And I'm sure it will get more interesting as time goes by. I like all of my classes for the most part, although I didn't get into the ones I wanted. Right now I'm taking.... "Monsters, Man-Eaters and Murderers in Victorian Literature", "Myth and Hero in the Greek Epic", Medieval European History, and Intro. to Cultural Anthropology. Oh! And The Films of John Waters. Hahaha. YEAH! My first class of that is tomorrow, and I am very very excited. I'm in too many reading intensive classes though. It's quite insane. I think I'm handling it relatively well though. At least much better than one would think I would from how I was in high school. Time is much easier to manage here I think. There's also something about living in the same place where you go to school. Cause it's not like there's this huge difference between being in school and being home, so there doesn't feel like there should be a disconnection between class and studying or whatever. Yeah. It's just much easier here. So yeah. And things are going pretty well. I'm having a good time. And I miss people, but it's not too bad, although it can get close to being bad. But for now, things are good. And I've got 3 concerts lined up for next weekend. Very exciting. BWAHAHA!


September 3, 2000 ~ Well, let me see. Things are getting a lot better. They seem to improve day by day, although today I'm just not feeling too good, and I'm really tired. My afternoon was good though. Yesterday I think I really kind of got a feel for my college. Like so many epitomal things happened, and it was a blast. There are a whole lot of insanely cool and nice and interesting and talented people here. It's really cool. I really want classes to start so I can meet more people, and get some sort of schedule going. It's so hard for me to schedule my own time. This is a bad thing. I need to get better at that. I think I'm beginning to notice the ways in which television slowly ate away at my life. Haha. So now it's time for me to find productive things to fill my day with. So this is a good thing. It does require much change though. So here's my list of things to do in order to fill up the day: (of course I'm sure once classes start I'll be back to thinking that the days are too short)

Alright, I think that's a good list. So I've got plenty to do. I think I'm feeling somewhat torn. Like there's so much personal growth that I still need to do, yet I totally feel like I must be around people at all times in order to ensure that I find some sort of social group. So I don't know. I need to be able to balance all of this stuff as well. It's very odd. Maybe I'm just being too conscious with all of this, but I kind of feel like I have to, cause if I wasn't, then I'd just sit around all day being horribly bored and not meeting people. Overall I've been really impressed with this school though. It's just a really cool, unique and interesting place. So I think I should have a good experience. Things are still kind of in the awkward stage now though, which always sucks. I'm being bad about really doing things on my own though, which I think really inhibits everything else. I think I'm realizing how behind everyone here I am in that aspect. Like it's almost as if I just don't know myself, but it's not really that. It's like I know myself, but I just haven't taken the time ot acknowledge myself in such a long time that I've forgotten. So maybe that's one of the things that this experience has brought out of me and one of the reasons it was so rough for me. Like I didn't take the initiative to talk to professors of classes I didn't get into. Or to look into auditioning for any orchestras, or to do stuff on my own. I don't know. It's very bad. But hopefully I will get better about this stuff, and hopefully getting classes going will somehow motivate me in that direction. I haven't gotten my books yet, but I went to look at them today, and it's quite crazy. Like my medieval european history class's books took up like a shelf and a half. Insanity. But oh well. Hopefully it'll all be cool and I'll somehow be able to handle it. Alright, I'm goin now. I'll probably sleep soon. I'm so tired. Not good. I think the food here makes me sick too, which is not all that enjoyable. Alright, bye-bye!

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est. July 1998
version 2 Oct. 1999
version 3 April 2002