Welcome !
This page, and initiative, is dedicated to the memory of Hamed Nastoh who at the age of 14, on March 11, 2000 took his own life as a means of escaping bullying
This page is a resource for youth, parents, families and professionals concerned about bullying and other forms of harrassment and/or discrimination. Please contact OPTIONS: Services to Communities if you have suggestions for additional information or if you require specific assistance or information.
Participants at the March 21, 2000 Youth Forum "Diversity and Respect for All"
"You are either part of the solution or part of the problem, there is no in between...We are here, dedicated to the human spirit, and supporting the dreams each and every one of us has, and those we all share . . . .When one of us is picked on we are all diminished . . . it takes incredible courage to step forward and actually risk your self for someone else in need . . . bullying is just ugly . . . we need to get to know each other , especially across lines, in neighbourhoods, like in Elementary School . . . it's all our job, each of us, if we don't do some thing who will . . . I hope we can learn to get along . . . Everyone is picked on it's just a matter of how much and by who . . . I want something better .. "
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This page was established on April 27, 2000 and last updated on March 31, 2001.
OPTIONS: Services To Communities - Tel: (604) 596-4321 Fax: (604) 572-7413 Email: info@options.bc.ca Address: 6846 King George Hwy. Surrey , B.C. V3W 4Z9
Page by ZakAtak Projects - 2000 - No rights reserved - free to SHARE.