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The Tezuman Empire

A kingdom in the rain forst valleys of central Klatch. The Tezumen are the most suicidally gloomy, irritable and pessimistic people you could ever avoid meeting.

Tezuman chariots are pulled by llamas and have two people running along on each side to hold up the axel. The wheel has been discovered, but it is used as a headgear and jewelwry.

Paper has not yet been discovered. Or wax tablets. Their pictographic language is carved into blocks of granite. Some Tezumans beat themselves to death with their own suicide notes.

Tezuma is known for it's organic market gardens, exquisite craftsmanship in jade, feathers and obsidian, and it's mass sacrifices to the god Quetzovercoatl. Tezuman music is alot like the sound of someone blowing their nose.

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