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The UBC Engineering Students' Golden Gate Project

visitors since March 2nd, 2001

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Its Here! - Golden Gate Project Website Version 2.0!

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Engineering Students from the University of British Columbia made news around the world this week, as they took their traditional Bug Project on the road - to the "Mother of all Suspension Bridges", the Golden Gate in San Francisco. Using a little "enginuity", they spread the word about engineering and their alma mater.

Read the initial press release and the follow-up for the "real" story, including a couple of small gaffs (hey - 19 or 20 years is the same order of magnitude!).

Engineers are known for more than just their tech-y expertise - according to the San Franscisco Chronicle recap - "The award for Best Picture goes to...a gaggle of gearhead snow geese from U of BC"!

This story has already travelled around the globe on AP and Reuters wire services and the BBC World Radio News. We're still looking for evidence of coverage in Russia and South America - anyone have relatives in Chile?

Who the hell are we? We are, we are, we are the Engineers!

GGP Makes the Papers

GGP on the Radio

Try here if the audio/video links aren't working


Try here if the audio/video links aren't working

In completely unrelated news, Canada's Prime Minister Jean Chretien was seen in the United States on the same day as the Golden Gate Project, by none other than the newly-elected American President, George W. Bush.

Prime Minister Chretien may be trying to give the new President a lesson in diplomacy, after George W.'s pre-election gaff last year, when he mistook the Prime Minister for a plate of fries and gravy.

After thumbing his nose to Americans with a successful one-count election, Prime Minister Chretien may have been looking to one-up the Americans once again with a demonstration Canadian engineering prowess.

Check out Part Deux!
We are still building this site - links will soon be changed to locally-stored versions of the articles. Keep sending us links for specific articles and images with the bug to the Golden Gate Project and we'll add them in!