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John WalshGreg SchniderTark HamiltonTomas StandevenWally CharmBCUPSKier McMillanGreg Schnider and Eric ReiswigBill PoppyRob Moore 

Loaner Sets

The British Columbia Uilleann Pipers' Society is pleased to offer a number of loaner sets to anyone in the area who is interested in trying out a set before making the decision to purchase one. These sets are available to anyone who is interested in trying out the pipes, or is waiting for a set on order. Contact us to be put on the waiting list.

The policies for the loaner sets are:

  1. The borrower is responsible for paying a $25 user fee.
  2. The borrower must be a member of the BC Uilleann Pipers' Society.
  3. The borrower should attend, whenever possible, the meetings of the Society.
  4. The borrower should arrange, if possible, lessons from an experienced piper.
  5. The loan period shall last for 4 months with a possible 2 month extension.
  6. The loan period may be extended at the discretion of the Society executive.
  7. If the set is damaged or lost, the borrower must pay full cost for repairs and/or replacement - including damaged reeds.
  8. It would be preferred if the borrower were to pick up the set personally.
  9. Upon the completion of the loan period, the borrower is responsible for returning the set to the Society.
  10. The sets will be loaned out on a first come basis.
  11. The sets will not be loaned outside of British Columbia and surrounding areas.
  12. The set designated for Vancouver Island will not be loaned outside of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
  13. The set shall be kept in moderate indoor conditions, away from extremes of heat and cold.
  14. The borrower shall notify the Society of any change of address.
  15. The society executive may change any of these policies, as the situation requires.

There are currently six loaner sets available. One of them is available for loan only on Vancouver Island.


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