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Skin and Coat Remedies for Dogs

*Not a substitute for qualified Veterinary care

Zara's First Aid for Hot Spots
Clip the hair on and around the hot spot
Douse the area with hydrogen peroxide
In a pinch, simply clean the hot spot with hibitane, povidone iodine, rubbing alcohol, or peroxide
Slather the with pure aloe vera gel and leave on for at least five minutes
Dab with cloth to reduce the aloe vera gel to a thin covering
Dust liberally with Gold Bond powder to dry the area
If you don't have Gold Bond powder, apply all purpose flour or corn starch. Dust frequently with the powder
Repeat full treatment every few hours until scabbing starts
After scabbing, continue dusting with Gold Bond powder until it heals

Zara's Hot Spot Spray

In a clean plastic 4 ounce spray bottle:
Half fill with hydrogen peroxide
20 drops tea tree oil
10 drops eucalyptus oil
2 Tablespoons aloe vera gel
Fill the rest of the bottle with glycerin
Spray the areas liberally as needed

Below are more treatments I have gleaned over the years. I hope some are useful to you.

For dry or itchy skin, consider the following homeopathic remedies:
Phosphorus - for dandruff and patchy hair loss
Sulphur - for red skin with hot spots ("moist eczema")
Urtica Urens - for small red blotching on skin
Arsenicum Album - for scaly or dry skin
Carbo Veg - for moist skin or itching
Cinchona Officinalis - for sensitive skin
RhusTox - for dermatitis from flea bites or poison ivy
For more pet care information visit the Pet Center on

Preventing skin problems

- dog must be DRY and clean at all times. Frequent brushing will not only maintain healthy skin but will give you a heads-up on any further blemishes or inflammation.
- wean off grains including rice and oatmeal. Most kibbles are all grain based unless they specify "no grains".
- if you do continue with kibble, do not feed kibble that lists corn among the ingredients. Rice or oatmeal may also cause skin problems in some dogs.
- when bathing, do a vinegar solution rinse of 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 gallon water. Then rinse well with clear water. After bathing, towel and carefully blow dry on "COOL" setting with dryer at least 12 inches away.
- towel the dog thoroughly any time he gets wet / damp
- stay out of the "zone" medicines. Do not use cortizone, predizone, etc. They may seem to give immediate results but in the long run they aggravate the problem by introducing systemic toxins that will eventually also have to come out through the skin and will cause further itching.
- if he has hot spots or red / raw areas, they need to be exposed to the air by clipping hair off and around them, leaving a clear perimeter.
- clean irritated spot with peroxide or diluted hibitane (Vet cleanser), then spray with anti-itch spray (below), let dry, then sprinkle with Gold Bond medicated powder
- do not use Gentocin Ð it is carcinogenic
- calendula tincture, ointment, or cream is healing, non-toxic, and can help with the itching. You can also give an internal calendula homeopathic remedy that will systemically reduce itching.
- dress the dog to keep him / her from licking the area. Cover with t-shirt, sock, boxer shorts or other garment and fasten it on with Vet wrap or tape.
- try to stay away from the e-collars. For many dogs, the e-collar in itself is so frustrating that he will develop other negative behaviors in response to it. Remember that hot spots are partly caused by stress.
- with flop eared dogs like Spaniels / Retrievers the e-collar doesn't let the ears breathe naturally so they can develop nasty ear infections in just a few days.
- calm (de-stress) the dog by giving the contents of 1 capsule Kava Kava powder in his food morning and evening.
- if he is still very itchy, give either one-half Benadryl caplet or one-half Phenobarbital. All inexpensive over the counter meds from the drug store.
- Antihistamine compounds, such as Benadryl and Chlortrimeton, are helpful for some allergies. These drugs reduce the itching and have a beneficial sedative effect that prevents a dog from scratching itself raw. But they should only be used at home for short-term therapy. Antihistamines may produce drowsiness, and since allergies are not all caused by histamine release, antihistamines are not always effective.
- Dosages follow. Benadryl: For dogs weighing 25 lbs, give 25 mg three times daily; for dogs heavier than 50 lbs, give 50 mg three times daily. Chlortrimeton: For dogs weighing 15 lbs, give 4 mg three times daily; for 25 lb dogs, give 8 mg three times daily; and for dogs heavier than 50 lbs, give 12 mg three times daily.
- ensure that the dog does not have fleas or other skin irritating parasites

Topical Remedies for Skin Problems in Dogs

Maalox Skin Creme
This works for any irritation better than the diaper rash creams and salves. Mix Aquafor with Maalox liquid to the consistency of paste. You can use it on everything from skinned knees to rug burn, hot spots, bite marks, rashes - anything where the skin is irritated. The Aquafor is like vaseline, but not as greasy, and the Maalox takes the sting out of the skin.

Black Tea Bag
It works! Make a cup of regular tea (Lipton, Red Rose, Earl Grey) with a tea bag. Let the bag cool, then use the wet bag directly on the hot spot. Alternatively you can make a strong cup of black tea, let it cool, add a plain unbuffered aspirin, then liberally sponge the solution on the hot spot.

Calendula Tincture
Get calendula tincture from health food stores or Cloverdale Pharmasave. Put 10 drops in 1/2 cup of distilled water in a spray bottle and spray it on the irritated spot(s) several times per day. Unnecessary to shave the area first.

Domeboro's Solution
It is an antibacterial drying agent, active ingredient, Aluminum Acetate. It comes in a powder that you mix with water. Mix one packet in one cup water, stronger than on the directions. Soak the hot spot using cotton balls and then blow dry it into the hair and comb the hair away from the spot to get the air to the spot. Dab it on the spot about every two to three hours. Monitor to ensure the dog isn't licking or scratching. The spot will be dry to the touch in about 30 minutes and scabbed over in 36 hours.
You can get this at most pharmacies. About $12.00 for a box of about 12 packets.

Golden Seal Root
Use the extract or get capsules and apply the powder directly to the hot spot. It is a natural antibiotic and is used to stop infection and kill poisons in the body.

Tea Tree / Calendula / Chamomile Spray
A combination of Tea Tree Oil with Calendula tincture / extract, or Chamomile, is calming. To 1 cup strong chamomile tea (cold), add 10 drops calendula tincture, 10 drops tea tree oil, put in a spray bottle. Get down to the skin by smoothing the hair back as you spray. Reapply as needed.

Tea Tree Oil for Skin Allergies
Fleas and air borne insects add to skin allergies. The formula above will help to alleviate the discomfort. Use the full strength oil if there is a visible sore. The smell and taste discourages licking or scratching. A combination of Tea Tree Oil and Calendula or Chamomile is also calming.

Apply several drops of Tea Tree Oil directly to affected area twice daily. A Tea Tree lotion (ten drops Tea Tree Oil in one-half cup water, glycerin, or almond oil) is soothing.

Injuries and Cuts
If the cut or injury is minor, apply several drops of Tea Tree oil onto the affected area.

Vitamin C
Using Vitamin C in your dogÕs diet has a de-toxifying effect and can help with skin and coat problems over the long term.

Gold Bond Powder
Triple Strength Gold Bond Powder works as an excellent drying agent for hot spots. Wash the spot well with an antibacterial soap like Hibitane and dry well. Then apply Gold Bond Powder. It also relieves the itch

The homeopathic remedy, Sulphur (30C), is superb for all manner of skin ailments, but you need to do your homework (looking at all symptoms) to use the remedies. If the hot spot smells, then this remedy may be just what you need for your dog.

Rhus Tox is another homeopathic remedy, and is for extremely irritated, red, and irritated skin.

Plantain: If you live in an area where there is no pesticide spraying, then you may have something perfect right in your backyard. It's plantain, a broad-leaf weed. Plantain reduces redness, inflammation, and itching. You simply take a leaf, chop it up, mash it into a paste, and then apply the paste to the hot spot. It generally works quickly for rashes, lesions, pimples, and raw areas.

Azarel Shelties - Raised Naturally

Azarel Shelties eat a biologically appropriate raw diet
a healthy balance of raw meats and raw bones,
rare seasonal fruits and veggies,
no grains, no chemicals or pesticides.

For optimum health, we treat our Shelties with love,
one puppy vaccination (distemper / parvo)
and minimal "medical" intervention.

Proudly Canadian

Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs
Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada

Genetic Testing Is Essential

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