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Your Dog's Health

This page has postings for your general information on health issues that affect dogs in general or the Shetland Sheepdog breed in particular. Articles will be changed periodically. We will also have links (underlined terms or buttons above) to health concerns that people ask about all the time. You'll notice the Vaccinations button above that is linked to an article by Dr. Michael Goldberg DVM (reprinted with his permission).

Happy and healthy dogs to you!

Zara Heartwood

Healthy Movement In Dogs

Thanks to AKC Judge Judy Kelsey, Dury Voe Shelties, here's a link for pet, performance and conformation people to see videos of dogs moving. This shows proper movement as well as the movement of dogs with hip dysplasia or other injuries. Click on either for an instructional moment.

Homeopathic remedies for dogs*

IGNATIA - stress
IPECAC - vomiting, nausea
NUX VOMICA - poisoning, irritability, runny eyes and discharge
HYPERICUM - for injuries to toes, nerves, prevent tetanus, relieve pain
ARNICA - sore, bruised feeling from injuries
THLAPSI BURSA - inflammation of urinary tract and obstruction
RHUS TOX - limps, sprains, red itchy skin in armpits
CALENDULA - cut, wounds etc
FERRUM PHOSPHATE - to stop bleeding
PODOPHYLLUM - diarrhea
SENNA - flatulance and gas
SULPHUR - chronic skin problems
BERBERIS - kidney problems, backache
APIS - bee stings and allergies
LEDUM - insect or animal bites
ACONITE - fear of any situation, thunderstorms
*use with the advice of a qualified homeopath

Health Links

For people interested in health challenges in dogs, here are some links of interest.
Duration of Immunity: The Rabies Vaccine Challenge - Show #185 Animal Talk Radio Show 7/30/08

Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and Don't Know, Dr. Ronald Schultz

What Everyone Needs to Know about Canine Vaccines, Dr. Ronald Schultz

Vaccination: An Overview Dr. Melissa Kennedy, DVM360

World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2007 Vaccine Guidelines Scroll down to Vaccine Guidelines 2007 (PDF)

The 2003 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines are online at .

The 2006 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines, downloadable (PDF)

Veterinarian, Dr. Robert Rogers, excellent presentation on veterinary vaccines

October 1, 2002 DVM Newsletter article entitled, AVMA, AAHA to Release Vaccine Positions

July 1, 2003 DVM Newsletter article entitled, What Do We Tell Our Clients?, Developing a thorough plan to educate staff on changing vaccine protocols essential for maintaining solid relationships with clients and ensuring quality care

July 1, 2003, DVM Newsletter article, Developing Common Sense Strategies for Fiscal Responsibility: Using an interactive template to plan service protocol changes

Animal Wellness Magazine Article Vol. 8 Issue 6,
How Often Does he REALLY Need A Rabies Shot
Animal Wellness Magazine - devoted to natural health in animals

Rabies Shot Killed my Poodle May 28, 2008 Channel 5 News WCVB

US Declared Canine-Rabies Free
CDC Announces at Inaugural World Rabies Day Symposium
CDC Press Release - September 7, 2007
Rabies Prevention -- United States, 1991
Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP)
Center for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly March 22, 1991 / 40(RR03);1-19
"A fully vaccinated dog or cat is unlikely to become infected with rabies, although rare cases have been reported (48). In a nationwide study of rabies among dogs and cats in 1988, only one dog and two cats that were vaccinated contracted rabies (49). All three of these animals had received only single doses of vaccine; no documented vaccine failures occurred among dogs or cats that had received two vaccinations. "

Azarel Shelties - Raised Naturally

Azarel Shelties eat a biologically appropriate raw diet
a healthy balance of raw meats and raw bones,
rare seasonal fruits and veggies,
no grains, no chemicals or pesticides.

For optimum health, we treat our Shelties with love,
one puppy vaccination (distemper / parvo)
and minimal "medical" intervention.

Proudly Canadian

Azarel Shetland Sheepdogs
Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada

Genetic Testing Is Essential   Spay/Neuter Your Pet!

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