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These are some of the peeps Proof has beef with..

Insane Clown Posse
ICP This goes way back. It begins somewhere in 1995.Em was handling out flyers to a party where he would perform. It said something like this: "Performance ICP...........Maybe". Violent J saw this and told Em to Fuck Off.
That's how it all started. Eminem began to diss ICP in his songs.
D12 saw ICP at a club one night, and they chased them out and then shot their van up with a paintball gun. On track 11 from the Marshall Mathers LP Em says:

"Plus I was put here to put fear in faggots who spray Faygo Root Beer and call themselves clown cuz they look weird. Faggot 2 Dope and Silent Gay claimin Detriot, when ya'll live 20 miles away. And I dont wrestle I'll knock you fuckin faggots the fuck out, Ask'em about the club that they was out when they snuck out After they ducked out the back when they saw us and bugged out, ducked down and got paintballs shot at they truck
Look at cha'll runnin ya mouth again, when ya aint seen a fucking mile road side of ten. And I dont need help from D-12 to beat up two females, in make up when they try to strach me with Lee Nails. Slim Anus, you damn right Slim Anus. I dont get fucked in mine like you two flaming faggots..."

They made a diss record "Slim Anus". It's a parady to Em's succesvol breakthrough hit "My Name Is.."
Their latest song is a diss towards Em and Dr. Dre, "Nothing But A Bitch Thang". It's a parody of Dre's great hit "Nuthing But A G-Thang".
For more information visit

Esham Esham is an underground Detroit rapper, who used to go to the same school as Proof. Esham used to be pretty succesfull, and Eminem and Esham became eachother rivals.
Esham did an interview where he said some things:

Proof was saying that the Goon Sqwad beat you down?
That’s his version. Let me tell you. I’ll tell you the story. I jumped on the stage actually I was at the concert they was opening up for Little Kim, it wasn’t even they show. He was onstage. He was like yeah E come up here cuz previously before that I had let them open up some shows. We were doing all type of shit no hassle. Y’all come on down do this damn thing, no hassle. This particular night, I jumped onstage and he was like come on stage it’s all good one love right. I get on stage, I grab the mic and say Esham in the house woo woo woo. Everybody in there cuz it was on the eastside everybody in there know me they like oh it’s all good right. So next think I know some of them cats got mad or some shit. They thought I was trying to upstage they shit. Proof was not actually in it. Somebody stole on me, hit me right. So I got to fighting with like 10 motherfuckers on stage. Stop the concert and everything it was one of them brawls. After that, it wasn’t even like Proof even did anything. It was a couple other people that I didn’t even see. It was some Goon Sqwad cats. Which after the shit went on, he had nothing to do with it, but on the streets he was like “Yeah I got a kick in” you know what I’m saying, little hoe ass shit like that but he wouldn’t say that shit to my face. He sucking Eminem dick so hard. Dickhandling on Eminem. He always been that type of cat since the 9th grade just sucking dick. He a faggot all them dudes in that group are faggots. I would never do a song with Elton John, come on or die my hair blonde.

How do you feel about fans that Like Esham and like Eminem?

I don’t care about that; you know people buy records. My thing is I sell records. If you like Eminem that’s cool, but that guy is gay taking dick in the ass fo’real. I mean he can front he can lie you know all those guys are gay they are the closest thing to the village people of rap your gonna get. They might as well just dress up like the indian, the bike rider you know what I mean and just be those cats cuz that shit is wack. That truly is their style that faggot style that ole I’m waking up with a guy on top of me shit. You hear me? Is it just me or is that some faggot shit?

I gotta be honest with you I do like Eminem I’m not gonna lie.

No, I’m not saying that. I did like him too. On his first album he was saying I’m a cross between Manson, Esham and Ozzy. That was like a compliment, I didn’t start disliking him until on the 2nd record when he said “I ain’t acid rap but I rap on acid”

Was that really a diss though?

I mean I felt like he shouldn’t say shit about my style. You know, don’t say shit. He was trying to diss me, but he so much of a hoe that he didn’t actually diss me on it cuz I know Proof and them posting shit on the internet acting like they tough. When he’s not it’s just all of that shit. To me he let Proof boost him up. Cuz you know Proof know me but he don’t know me. Proof went to school with me. He used to be like a dancer like Kid N Play like dancing and shit. That’s him, that’s Proof, he used to be doing all that fruit ass shit.

Interview taken from

Proof replied with this:
That interview shows me how weak Esham is. He said I used to do Kid N Play, I can dance, but that wasnt my steeze always, Rakim, LL, Kool Moe D, Run DMC, shit like that. So now hes fabricating shit lol!!
Now this is on my seeds. For a talent show this ni99a wore poka dots and had a fade like kwame, ask'em about that. And I was rappin before I ever heard of Esham. I remember when I 1st got to Osborn and was gone battle him he said some hoe shit, like I dont do that. I make records, bitch ass.
But fuck all the talk. I'll see on WARP tour, at least 12 cities a see him hoe out. I brought that wack ass album. All he could do was diss us, but shit was mad wack and I love good lyrics. So he used to be dope. He gettin old and fallin off, and yall should know the best part about the interview that was left out, is that he is quittin the rap game, basically cuz no one cares for him.

At the WARPED tour show in Philidelphia, D12, and some bodyguards jumped Esham, after he was throwin rocks and shit at their bus. Esham was sent to the hospital...D12 got kicked of the WARPED tour.

Limp Bizkit
Limp Bizkit This is Proof(and D12's) newest beef. It all started when Eminem had beef with Everlast, and he(and the rest of D12) was gonna record a diss song called "Quitter". Limp Bizkit said they wanted to be in it. But when the day they was gonna record it, Fred Durst called them and said he couldnt be in it. D12 just did the song without them, and that aint the reason why they dissed Limp Bizkit.
The reason that Eminem recorded the Limp Bizkit diss song, "Girls", is cuz a few weeks later Limp Bizkit was on TRL. And Dj Lethal was asked 'bout the beef between Eminem and Everlast(cuz Lethal was in the group "House Of Pain" with Everlast) and Lethal said that in real life, Everlast was gonna whoop Eminem's ass. Thats why Eminem recorded the track "Girls".©2002