Honey Dust !!


The sounds of morning start to fill the room and I resentfully awaken. I untangle myself from sheets and pick up the shirt, which has been tossed haphazardly on the nightstand. I pull the shirt around my shoulders and grope my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and clear the sleep from my eyes as the water slowly gets hot.
I crawl into the shower and let it run down my face to wash the last bits of sleep from my countenance. I stretch and turn my back to the water so I may begin the cycles of washing hair and body. I regret it almost immediately.
The water stings like fire as it runs down my back. I reach back gingerly and feel the remnants of welts and the beginnings of scars. I smile to myself as my mind begins to process the events of the previous evening.
It had all started innocently enough...or at least that was what I was going to tell myself. We went to a club and you pointed out a few notables and we drank way too much. (Well, way too much for the scant amount of sleep I had gotten the night before.) We went back to your place and as I lie on the couch you offered me a glass of wine. I protested a bit until you reentered from the kitchen and put the glass under my nose. "Well, if you have already poured it..." I laughed.
We chatted quietly for a few minutes and you commented, "I am so glad you are here."
I sigh and smile, "Me too." 
I can feel the temperature rising in the room so I stare intently into my wine.
"Yes?" I reply without looking up.
You put a finger under my chin and gently raise my head. I look up at you through my bangs. You caress my cheek and lean in to kiss me. I take a deep breath and your lips meet mine. Your kiss is tender yet firm, apparent in confidence and skill.
As we kiss you take the wine glass from my hand and set it on the table. You wrap your arms around me and I collapse willingly into your embrace. After several minutes we find ourselves a tangle of limbs on the sofa. You raise your head and stare into my eyes. Out of habit I look away. You disentangle yourself and get up. You take my hand and I follow silently as you lead me into the bedroom.
You leave me in the doorway as you light some candles and incense. The gentle smell of opium begins to fill the room. You turn on a CD player and Tory wafts along with the opium.
"How am I doing so far?"
I respond only with a nervous laugh.
You cross the room and stand behind me. You wrap your arms around me and begin to kiss my neck. I breathe deeply and lean back against you. Your hand works down my side to my thigh. You inch up the hem of my skirt. I hear you gasp slightly as you discover that I am not wearing anything underneath it. 
You pull me closer against you and I can feel that you are aroused. Your other hand rubs my neck a bit and then firmly grasps the back of my hair. You jerk my head back and I suppress the urge to cry out. You pull my head back further and I rise to my toes to comply. You bite my neck and shoulders sharply and my breath catches in my throat.
You walk me to the bed and push me down on it. I start to my knees to crawl away and turn over. I barely make it to my elbows before you are on me. You pull me to my knees and rip my shirt open. I muse briefly over the thought of trying to find all the buttons in the morning. You roll me on my back and pin my wrists above my head. 
You lie with your body against mine. Your lips pepper my face with kisses as you ask, "Do you want me?"
I close my eyes and bite my lip.
You grasp my neck, not quite choking but I open my eyes. "I said, do-you-want-me?"
I clench my teeth and my jaw quivers. I am unable to give voice to my desires.
You get a wry smile on your face. "Fine," You say, "don't answer me then."
I start to speak but am quickly silence as you roughly roll me to my stomach.
I hadn't notice before but there is a pair of handcuffs at the head of the bed. You rapidly cuff my wrists to the head of the bed. You climb off of me and I begin to crawl to my knees. My attempts are thwarted as you grab my ankles and pull me back down the bed. I feel the cuffs cut into me slightly as my wrists are pulled against them. I feel you wrap something around each ankle. Ropes are pulled tight and I am immobile on your bed.
I feel you crawl onto the foot of the bed. You run your hands up my legs pushing my skirt up to my waist. You push my shirt up and kiss your way up my back. I feel you whisper in my ear, "you taste sweet."
"Honey dust." I murmur.
"Do you have it with you?"
"Yes, in my bag."
I hear you leave the room and return a few minutes later. I hear you set something on the bedside table. I assume it is the honey dust. I am certain of this when feel the small feather duster start to trace along my skin...my back and shoulders, my ass and thighs...
Your tongue begins to follow the path that you have just traced with the feather duster. You lick down my spine nipping at my hips and shoulders. Your hands knead into my flesh and my body instinctually arcs to meet them. You cover me with bites and kisses and I suppress my moans. I feel your flesh against my back as you whisper into my ear, "Do you want me?"
I look over my shoulder into your eyes, wantingly, frightened.
You get a musing smile on your face. "Do you want me?"
I am still unable to answer. I turn my face away.
You forcefully rise from the bed and I hear you whip your belt from your waist. The first lash startles me and I cry out. The next few lashes warm my flesh and my bite into my arm to refocus my pain. I find my center as your lashes fall into a comfortable pace. You work over my back and legs. My nails scrape into the headboard. The blows fall more rapidly and forcefully and I can feel welts starting to rise on my back. My breath is deep and long. I bite my lip so I don't cry out.
I hear you remove your pants and crawl onto the bed. You clutch into my shoulders and lick and bite at me passionately. I am now gasping, filled with sensation and craving more of you. You grab a handful of my hair and pull my head up. "Do you want me?"
"Yes..." I manage to gasp.
You let out a small moan and undo a quick release on the cuffs. With your arm around my waist you roughly pull me to my knees and force yourself into me. I cry out in pleasure and arc myself back to take you deeper. You make love to me violently...passionately...I bury my face in the blankets to muffle my moans. Your noises are guttural...animalistic and they excite me further. Your nails dig into my hips as you pull yourself into me. I can feel that you are about to cum, I bite into my arm again and I feel you explode into me.
We both collapse against the bed- tired, breathless and spent. You slowly crawl off of me making a few light kisses down my back. I am catching my breath and looking around for my clothes when you return to the room with the reminder of the wine. You hand me the glass of wine and take away the shirt I had found. "Not in my bed."
I curl up my knees to cover myself, "but, I..."
You lift my chin to look into my eyes, "Please."
I smile slightly and look away. You pull a sheet around my shoulders and I nestle my face into your chest.
"I missed you," you whisper....
I don't know how long I was lost in thought, or rather recollection before I am startled by a noise. I open my eyes to find you standing in front of me.
"Morning," you smile.
"Is it still? It feels later."
You kiss me tenderly. Your hands grasp my back to pull me closer against you and I wince. You startle and look at me confused. I turn slightly and show you my back.
I can see the shock on your face. "Did I do all that?"
"Well, you or that other guy I left the bar with last night," I smile.
"Geez...I am sorry."
"Well, I will have some creative explaining to do but..." I notice you are looking concerned. "Don't be sorry. Really" I smile and look into your eyes until I am sure you know I mean it. 
"If you insist." You kiss me lightly. "Turn around."
I turn and you take up a wash cloth and begin to tend to my wounds. Your touch is delicate and nurturing. I prop my hands against the wall and just let you wash me. You work your hands and the cloth over my back, my ass and thighs. You reach around me and as you kiss my neck and shoulders you work your hands over my stomach and breasts. I take a deep breath and put my head back against you. I let the water wash down me as your hands explore my body completely.
I feel you becoming aroused. I slowly turn and we kiss deeply. I begin to kiss and nibble at your neck and shoulders. I slowly work my way down your chest. I pay special attention to your nipples and then your stomach. I lick my way down and nip at your hipbones. I look up at you. You run your fingers though my hair and then close your eyes with pleasure. 
Gingerly, I lick your inner thigh and slowly work up. I feel you tense in anticipation. I nuzzle against your hip and then slowly, cautiously, I trace the tip of my tongue along the base of your cock and up to the head. You shudder and your breath comes more shallowly. I take you in my mouth. Gently I lick and suck at you. My nails trace along your back and buttocks and you tangle your fingers deeper into my hair. I gradually work your cock in and out of my mouth. Carefully and thoroughly licking and kissing it. I nuzzle and nip at your hips and thighs. You moan softly and you head rolls back in bliss. Your hand clutches my shoulder and you breathe deeply.
The water is starting to get cold. You gently pull me to my feet and kiss me. You turn off the water and press yourself against me. Without breaking our embrace you guide us from the shower and grab a towel that you wrap around my shoulders. We kiss deep and long and I feel as if I could be consumed by you....lost in you...lost in this....
You crouch slightly and wrap your arms around my lower back. I start slightly when you lift off my feet. I wrap my legs tightly around your hips and you carry me back to the bedroom. 
You drop me onto the bed and I cannot help but laugh. I smile at you and bite my lip as I inch up the bed and you kneel over me. You kiss my stomach...lick and nip at my breasts...bite and suck my neck. I whimper softly. 
You stare into my eyes as you enter me. Both of us breathe slowly...deeply. This time is different from last night. We make love slowly, passionately....We take the time to explore each other and enjoy each other. We kiss deeply and longingly. We caress and nuzzle, we gasp and moan. 
You wrap your arms tightly around me. You bury your head into my neck and I hear your moans come faster and more fevered. You pull yourself into me deeply and your entire body quivers with ecstasy. I whimper and lock my legs to pull you closer. You cum inside of me and both of us cry out with the pleasure.
We lie together for several minutes. There is nothing but the morning sun and the sounds of our breathing. 
You prop up next to me and brush the hair from my eyes.
"Morning." I laugh.
"Can I do anything for you at all?"
"Coffee?" I reply
You smile.


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